
Dianabol is the brand name of the world’s most popular oral steroid – Methandrostenolone. In fact, this is the first oral steroid that got widely popular and widely used in bodybuilding.

dianabol-50-dbol-methandrostenolone-odin-pharmaDianabol is perhaps the most popular in bodybuilding and has been so for the last 50 years. That’s because Dbol is extremely popular for its amazing ability to help users bulk up. Therefore, when you use it correctly in bulking cycles, it will help gain impressive amounts of muscle mass and strength.

Methandrostenolone is an active substance. It’s also known as Methandienone. Dianabol is just the first and most popular brand name. On our site, you may find Methandrostenolone (Methandienone) and numerous other brand names too. That’s because each manufacturer that we work with is coming with their own trade name for this chemical (steroid).

Dianabol was created in 1955 by dr. John Bosley Ziegler. It was an American doctor who heard that Russian athletes were taking testosterone. They were dominating the Olympics thanks to that. When dr. Ziegler went back to the US, he wanted to create a product that will be even more powerful than testosterone which will help defeat the Russians during the Olympics. A few years later he created Methandrostenolone (Dianabol) with the help of CIBA (a pharmaceutical company).



This steroid is popular because it offers more than double the anabolic rating of testosterone while it’s also considerably less androgenic than testosterone. The anabolic to androgenic rating of testosterone is 100:100. Anabolic to androgenic rating of methandienone is 210:60. That’s beneficial because a high androgenic activity is likely to cause androgenic issues such as hair loss, acne including enlarged prostate. It’s because of the high conversion of testosterone to DHT.

So, it’s obviously an amazing steroid that has a less androgenic rating and is more anabolic than testosterone. Dianabol used to be a prescription drug in the USA. Although this is still a drug that you could find in other parts of the world, it’s no longer available in the USA as a prescription steroid. Instead, it’s still nowadays one of the most popular steroids on the market among bodybuilders.

Dianabol is immensely effective because of its binding to the androgen receptors (AR) which is leading to a significant increase in glycogenolysis as well as protein synthesis. This is what greatly contributes to a huge increase in a muscular hypertrophy (muscle growth) and strength. And because of the way it works, Dbol can help you achieve these goals really really fast.


In medical settings, Dianabol was prescribed to people suffering from hypogonadism, for inexplicable weight loss as well as treating elderly and people who suffer from severe burns because these are susceptible to reduction in muscle mass.

It took a while until the extremely helpful effects of Dianabol on muscle building got popular. The benefits became publicly known when the world’s most popular bodybuilders during those days were using Methandrostenolone. Such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, and other bodybuilders as well.

That was the “golden era of bodybuilding” because bodybuilders’ physiques were huge in size, but they were still aesthetic-looking. While nowadays bodybuilders are way heavier and more muscular, they are far not as aesthetic. That’s why there are still so many people all over the world who consider Arnold Schwarzenegger the number one idol of bodybuilders.

Buy Methandrostenolone

In the end, you could easily buy methandrostenolone if you need it directly from We make sure you’re going to get the best quality steroid. You may also need some other steroids and products with it because methandienone is a product that you need to stack with testosterone and you always need a PCT plan after the cycle ends. In addition, you also need anti estrogens to control the estrogenic issues.

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Moreover, many people stack Dianabol with other steroids for enhancing the effectiveness of their bulking cycle. Therefore, as you can see, there are lots of different things that you may need when you plan to use Dianabol. For this reason, I strongly recommend getting all your needs at once.

And you can get everything you need directly from our site. We’re a popular store of steroids known for offering only the purest and highest quality steroids on the market.

So, if you want to get big, you need to buy real Dianabol and make sure you learn how to use it correctly. Also, it’s important to learn why you need it in the first place. It’s not very suitable for cutting cycles, for example, but people get awesome results when they use quality methandienone correctly for the following reasons:

  • Increased strength
  • Huge increase in muscle mass and size
  • Nitrogen retention boost
  • Boost in protein synthesis
  • Enhances recovery
  • Higher red blood cell count
  • An overall increase in performance


Dianabol Results

Dianabol is an oral steroid that is able to offer quick and mind-blowing results. In fact, Dianabol results are so amazing that many are skeptical that such results can be real. Nonetheless, those who used high quality Dianabol correctly can confirm that it’s actually possible and Dianabol results are real!

What am I talking about? Well, Dbol is able to help you gain like 20 pounds of muscle mass in just a few weeks. Doesn’t it sound incredible? But yeah, that’s what Dianabol results are all about.

  • Of course, to achieve such results you need to keep your diet on point, to workout hard, rest enough, and generally have the proper lifestyle. You also need to learn how to use Dbol for the best results too. Moreover, it’s pretty obvious that only pure and quality Dianabol steroids will help you achieve such goals. The good news is that at you can learn how to use Dbol for you and your goals and you may also buy Dianabol for sale. You make sure you get only Dianabolthe best quality steroid and also save a lot of money too!

Dianabol Gains

Anyway, when talking about Dianabol gains, it’s very possible for you to gain 10-15 pounds of muscle in a very short period of time, even more. But I also need to warn you that you need to take into account water retention that is possible to occur while on Dbol. While out of 15-20 pounds of weight you’ve added, about 20-40% of it may be water retention. You’re going to see true results when you lose the water after a cycle, usually during PCT. You still manage to keep most gains, both in terms of muscle and strength gains.

It’s important to understand that Dianabol results as well as how much you will keep after the cycle will vary from one guy to another. It depends on various factors such as your diet, your workout regime, body type, age, height, and weight and it’s quite obvious: Dbol cycle length and dosage as well as what other steroids you use with Dianabol (and their own dosage and cycle length) if you use any.


Expectable Dianabol Results

Dianabol-results-bodybuildingCheck below Dianabol results that you can expect when you’re doing everything alright:

  • Huge gains in muscle mass
  • Much faster recovery
  • Adding a lot of size and weight
  • Great improvement in endurance
  • Strength getting over the roof
  • Really fast results

You’re not only going to look much better because you look way bigger and more muscular while using Dbol, but you can also notice a huge improvement in your performance levels as well. This means that you will notice a tremendous improvement in strength, endurance, energy, recovery, and so on and so forth. It will help you work out longer, harder, and more frequently. This will inevitably contribute to your further physique and performance results.

Dianabol Benefits

Check below the primary benefits of Dianabol that so many people appreciate it. Remember that in order to yield the best Dianabol results, you need to use it as a form of a stack with longer injectable steroids in a bulking cycle to get fast results early during the cycle. It’s the most common use of Dianabol – as a bulking steroid during the off season. It delivers fast and quality muscle gaining results.

So, people appreciate it for the following traits:

  • Doesn’t require painful injections
  • Lower androgenic effects than other steroids
  • Stacks very well with lots of different anabolic agents
  • Side effects are manageable and controllable
  • Increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Greatly boosts power and strength
  • Reduces fatigue during and after intense workouts
  • Helps pack on weight and mass really fast

Achieving Best Dianabol Results

With this being said, the Dianabol results, as we can see, can be amazing. But as said, to truly understand the potential results that you may experience from using Dbol, you need to understand this steroid.

This means that you need to learn exactly what Dianabol is and how it can influence your body. You also need to learn exactly why and who can use Dianabol and for what specific purposes. It’s pretty obvious that besides benefits and results, you also need to learn as much as possible about Dbol side effects too. Lastly, it’s obvious that you need to understand and learn the best way to utilize Dianabol for your own needs and purposes. It’s obvious that improper use will cause side effects and may affect your health.

Indeed, it can help with strength and muscle mass gains, may even help with fat loss, and offer overall much better performance. Thanks to better recovery, bigger strength and endurance, and so on. But it may also cause liver issues, gynecomastia, testosterone suppression, and various other negative effects.

It comes down to your genetics, how you use it, and your lifestyle. To achieve a physique similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger (who is known for using Dianabol), using Dbol alone will not be enough. You need to learn discipline when it comes to dosages, working out, dieting, and so on and so forth.

Anyway, the three main results are:

  1. Huge gains in muscle mass and overall weight
  2. Strength and overall endurance enhancement
  3. Fast results and fast recovery


Huge gains in muscle mass and overall weight

This is the number one reason Dianabol is so popular. When it comes to gaining muscle and weight mass, Dianabol is perhaps the most popular steroid out there. It’s extremely effective and highly appreciated among lots of people all over the world.

Dbol belongs to the category of bulking anabolic steroids because of how immensely effective it is for bulking cycles. While it does help burn fat, Dianabol is far from the best cutting steroids. That’s because this steroid is likely to bring water retention and this is beneficial during bulking cycles, but it’s your enemy in cutting and fat loss cycles.

And yes, you can add a lot of weight to it while a good amount of it will be water weight. Nonetheless, adding 30 lbs of weight gain and then losing 10 lbs of water weight and maintaining 20 lbs of raw muscle doesn’t sound bad, doesn’t it?

Strength and overall endurance enhancement

Those who want to break through plateaus and break their personal records are going to find Dianabol perfect. Increasing strength, that’s going to offer even more fuel for muscle gains. A lot of people praise Dbol for its ability to enhance strength. Additionally, most who started with this steroid said they are capable of breaking their personal lifting records almost weekly.

You’re going to notice a dramatic increase in strength and endurance while reducing fatigue during workouts. They noticed they could lift much easier and made huge improvements in the major exercise types such as bench presses, deadlifts, squats, and other exercises. So, if you plateaued at 260 lbs bench press, for example, you could notice that you’re capable of benching 300 lbs in a matter of weeks while adding Dianabol.

Fast results and fast recovery

It’s not only about feeling confident during workouts, but you will feel confident after workouts too. That’s because your recovery rate will increase so you will be ready for the next intense workout session much sooner too.

But one of the best parts that so many people love about Dbol is the fact that it offers a lot of benefits and offers so many results really fast. It’s a steroid that works almost immediately and you can notice the first signs of it working within the first week!

Buy Dianabol For Here The Best Results

Dianabol is an oral steroid that you can buy online for your physique and performance enhancement purposes. But the problem is that many sources and manufacturers offer low quality Methandienone (chemical name in Dbol) and/or mixed with other substances.

You need to avoid bunk Dianabol at all costs! Only the purest and highest quality Dianabol can offer such results and only when you do use it correctly. The good news is that at you can buy Dbol for sale of the best quality and save some money too. We work only with manufacturers that are popular for producing only quality gear and we can offer the gear for competitive prices. Make sure that you get the delivery of whatever steroids you buy directly from the manufacturer at the address you need.



Tbol Side Effects

Tbol (Turinabol) is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid that comes with its set of side effects, pretty much like any other steroid. Especially when talking about oral anabolics. Tbol side effects are various and they affect people in different ways. While some may experience some specific side effects, other people may experience others by using the exact same steroid in the exact same dosage. Moreover, it’s not set in stone that you will experience Tbol side effects. There’s just a chance you would. Additionally, some may not experience side effects at all, others may experience mild side effects while for others it could be really bad.


It truly depends on a lot of different factors but the most important factors to consider are:

  • Dosage (how much of it you use)
  • Cycle length (for how long you use it)
  • Personal tolerance to it (genetics)
  • Weight and height
  • Gender
  • Whether or not you have health issues that may influence it
  • Lifestyle choices and environment


Learning About Tbol and Its Side effects

In the end, it’s very important to understand that overuse of Turinabol, or improper administration can result in a variety of severe adverse effects. Pretty much as with any other steroid and, in fact, pretty much as with any compound out there.

It’s good to learn about Turinabol before actually using it. Pretty much as with any other steroid. If you are seriously contemplating taking this steroid, you should learn how to do it safely. But it’s important to learn about its benefits so you could decide if this compound is suitable for your needs in the first place, and to learn about its side effects so you could know what to expect in case something goes wrong.

But learning how to correctly use Turinabol and getting the purest and highest quality Turinabol is of the utmost importance. Improper use and/or using fake Tbol may exacerbate the risks of side effects.

Possible Tbol Side Effects

Anyway, I’m now going to talk about the potential side effects of Turinabol use. Only after reading about Tbol use, you may have a better idea whether you want to use it in the first place.


Estrogenic Side Effects

Turinabol is a derivative of Dianabol. And everyone knows that Dbol is highly aromatizing into estrogen. That’s why there are a lot of people who mistakenly think that Tbol will also aromatize into estrogen. Therefore, it should induce estrogenic side effects.

In fact, Turinabol is not aromatizing, thus will not increase the risks of estrogenic side effects even if you stack it with other aromatizing steroids. On its own, Tbol doesn’t increase the risk of estrogenic issues so it will not cause such side effects as gynecomastia (enlargement of breast tissues), water retention and bloating, erectile dysfunction due to high estrogen including other standard estrogenic issues.

Mood Swings and Mental Issues

Although the term “roid rage” is popular due to lots of men increasing aggressiveness while on a steroid cycle, that’s highly unlikely with Turinabol. In fact, it can occur, because increased aggression and temper occur due to an increase in androgenic activity while on steroids. And all steroids increase androgenic activity.

However, Tbol is mildly androgenic. This means that while it does have the potential to alter a person’s mood and temperament under specific conditions, Tbol will have only a mild effect. Moreover, it comes down from one person to another.

For example, steroids are frequently having the negative effects of increasing the preexisting personality peculiarities in the user. If there are none, you may not notice any changes at all. Yet, if the person is already having a short fuse (as genetics or whatever), then adding steroids may make “the fuse even shorter” and make the loss of temper under specific scenarios even faster.

On the other hand, a person who is having a pleasant personality, is calm, and with self control, is extremely unlikely to become aggressive and impulsive by taking steroids. Especially mild ones like Tbol. That’s because they were not inclined to behave that way from the beginning.

But then again, it does affect your hormones and this may affect your mental state to a certain degree. It can still somewhat increase aggressiveness, causes some mood swings, and maybe other mental changes.

Acne and Androgenic Issues

As said, Turinabol is mildly androgenic but like all other steroids – some androgenic activity is still present. All steroids are capable of causing (or better said – speeding) androgenic issues such as acne (starts with oily skin) and hair loss (male pattern baldness). These side effects can occur from any other steroid, but those with higher androgenic activity are more prone to offer nastier issues. Unlike Tbol that it is pretty mildly causing it.

Moreover, then again, it also highly depends on your genetics. For example, a person that is having the genetics of losing hair (suffers from baldness) or genetics to experience acne is likely to experience it with or without steroids. It’s just the fact that steroids may speed up this process. Also, while with Tbol you may experience it if you have the genetic predispositions, it’s mildly androgenic and mildly speeds it up (in comparison to other more powerful steroids).

Masculinization (Virilization) In Women

Then again, all steroids have at least some androgenic activity. That’s why all anabolic agents are capable of causing virilization issues in women. Virilization is also known as masculinization – the process of “turning” a woman into a man. When talking about Tbol side effects, this is not an exception. It is milder in terms of these side effects, but since women are more susceptible to side effects, they can still occur nevertheless.

So, there are potential harmful impacts that are exclusively affecting females. These are, in fact, the most dangerous side effects of women using anabolic steroids. The androgenic side effects of Tbol for women (virilization AKA masculinization) include facial and/or bodily hair growth, a deeper voice, menstrual irregularities, clitoral enlargement, mood, and behavioral changes, among others.

As earlier said, androgenic issues can cause issues in men too. But they are far not as noticeable in men. Moreover, androgenic side effects cause a person to become more masculine if they occur. While men are less affected by this, making a woman appear more masculine is a problem.

Testosterone Suppression


Considering that you’re administering exogenous hormones while using anabolic steroids, they will all suppress your HPTA. Therefore, regardless of which steroids you use, your natural testosterone production will be suppressed. The suppression rate depends on the steroid type (power), cycle length as well as dosage. Using powerful steroids in higher doses for long periods it may lead to a complete shutdown of HPTA.

But if you use Tbol in low dosage and for short periods it’s not going to cause a complete shutdown of HPTA, but some suppression will still occur. Turinabol is not immensely powerful, that’s why the suppression rate specifically from this steroid isn’t going to be that bad either.

Yet, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is still important. Not implementing a PCT after a steroid cycle is likely to make you suffer from low T which can come with nasty symptoms. That’s why I recommend adding a testosterone form to your Turinabol cycle and having a PCT plan. PCT will recover your HPTA much better, faster, and safer while testosterone during the cycle will enhance cycle effectiveness and will keep you away from low T.

Liver Toxicity

Pretty much as is the case with the great majority of other oral steroids, Tbol side effects do include the detrimental effect on your liver health. Turinabol is C17 AA, which makes it able to survive the liver by passing through it, therefore allowing oral administration. As a result, by administering hepatotoxic compounds such as Tbol, liver enzymes will inevitably increase.

While a little bit of an increase in liver enzymes may not be a huge problem, increased liver enzymes over the limit, especially for too long periods is capable of causing nasty health issues. The liver is self healing and repairing, but overworking it is likely to cause permanent and irreversible damage. Therefore, you need to keep your liver healthy at all costs. The liver is by far one of the hardest working organs in the body and it’s pretty obvious that it plays an extremely important role.

Because of this reason, it’s very important to make sure that you keep your liver in the best possible condition. While using Tbol, I strongly recommend adding liver-protecting supplements. May even use them after the cycle stops too while in your PCT plan. Considering that PCT is meant to recover the damage done to your body while on the cycle of steroids.

To keep your liver healthy you must avoid high dosages, and prolonged use of hepatotoxic steroids and I also recommend avoiding anything else that may further stress your liver. Alcohol, other liver toxic steroids, and numerous OTC drugs are prime examples of liver damaging products.


In the end, Turinabol may not be the most powerful steroid, but it also means that it’s far from among the most dangerous steroids either. Tbol side effects are mild because this steroid is mild. A general rule is that the more powerful an anabolic steroid is – the more and the nastier side effects will be.

  • Considering Turinabol is not really that powerful, its side effects wouldn’t be all that bad.
  • However, assuming that you won’t experience side effects is a huge mistake.

While some really may not experience any, it comes down to the Turinabol dosage and administration, as well as your genetics.

Again, I strongly recommend learning about Turinabol as much as possible in terms of how to use it, its side effects as well as benefits. I also strongly recommend making sure you get only the purest and highest quality Turinabol. Low quality and bunk steroids may cause even more side effects. They may make side effects even worse and even get side effects that are not specific to Tbol at all.

We can help you with both needs of learning and purchasing. Our professional IFBB Pros can help you with cycle advice on how to use it and you could buy Turinabol for sale directly from Be sure you will buy the maximum quality Tbol on the market, as well as the best quality of whatever other steroid and compound you may need and buy from this website.



Deca Durabolin Benefits

Deca Durabolin is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid that has a myriad of benefits. In fact, thanks to Deca Durabolin benefits, this is one of the most popular AAS in the world of bodybuilding. But not only because Deca is still an FDA approved medication for medical purposes. All of this may help you understand how actually benefits this steroid is.

  • In this article, I’m going to share in more detail the benefits of Deca Durabolin. This may help you to understand this compound better, understand what you may expect from using it, and generally learn about its advantages and benefits.

Deca Durabolin is the brand name of the active substance Nandrolone Decanoate. Decanoate is the attached ester to the main hormone – Nandrolone. The ester extends the release time of Nandrolone in the system after administration. Remember you need to administer it as an injection intramuscularly. You may find Nandrolone Decanoate as numerous other brand names, but Deca Durabolin is the most popular brand.

Nandrolone is the main hormone and the one that offers you the benefits. This is a 19-Nor type of steroid with powerful anabolic activity, moderate androgenic activity, and moderate aromatization into estrogen.

It’s also important to understand that while Deca Durabolin may offer lots of benefits, it may cause side effects too. I strongly recommend learning about Deca Durabolin side effects too. And it’s pretty obvious that you need to learn how to use Nandrolone Decanoate correctly in order to yield the best benefits while controlling its possible side effects.

Anyway, let’s check the Deca Durabolin benefits and talk about them in detail. Hopefully, it will help you determine if that’s the right steroid for you and your needs.



Muscular Size and Strength Increase

The most popular benefit of Deca Durabolin is the fact that it promotes muscular hypertrophy (size) and strength. It is also the most sought-after benefit by most people who attempt to use this steroid. It causes significant changes in body composition after several weeks of use. More specifically, it creates bigger and thicker muscles while making you way stronger.

This anabolic steroid is capable of promoting lean muscle mass because it’s stimulating protein synthesis and is creating a positive nitrogen balance inside the muscle cells. It has a powerful anabolic activity that makes your body remain in an anabolic state allowing you to grow and gain weight.

It’s a great weight gainer, helping you to become bigger, pack on size and get stronger with more muscles that are thicker. It may not be the most powerful steroid on the market and due to its long ester, the results and benefits from Deca Durabolin wouldn’t appear very quickly. Nonetheless, a lot of athletes and bodybuilders really love Nandrolone Decanoate over other steroids due to its safety profile in combination with amazing benefits. That’s why it is among the most popular steroids on the market.

Well Tolerated

Remember I mentioned Deca Durabolin is a steroid that still has FDA approval? While it definitely doesn’t mean that it’s side effects free, it does indicate its low risk level. It’s obvious that side effects risk increases due to generally higher doses involved in bodybuilding and fitness communities. But the point is that even women suffering from breast cancer and children suffering from dwarfism were given Deca Durabolin without nasty side effects.

Athletes using this steroid during their cycles correctly are very likely to avoid side effects. Or at least, notable adverse effects. It also could be associated with the fact that Deca Durabolin is slowly entering your system (due to Decanoate ester).


Long Ester

As said, Nandrolone has a Decanoate ester, which is a very long ester. This greatly extends the time Nandrolone will release in your bloodstream after you use it. Therefore, Deca Durabolin is a slow acting steroid and for this reason, you don’t need to inject it too often.

Because it acts slowly, you need quite a long time to see the benefits after starting to use it. About 6 weeks. For this reason, the Deca Durabolin cycle very rarely lasts less than 10 weeks. Most commonly 12-14 weeks or up to about 16 weeks for professionals. For some athletes and bodybuilders who are searching for fast results, this may be a disadvantage.

However, this comes with the advantage of maintaining steady levels in the bloodstream (which may minimize the side effects and enhance benefits) even with infrequent injections. Because of this long version of Nandrolone Decanoate, bodybuilders are using it only once a week without fluctuations. Those who use larger doses or want to make sure they completely avoid the risks of fluctuations split the weekly dosage into two halves used throughout the week evenly apart. But there’s actually no need to do so.

That’s why the long ester allows you to have only one injection a week throughout the entire steroid cycle. Furthermore, Deca is a steroid that people add to an already existing steroid cycle rather than a base. It allows users to further experience benefits without increasing the risks of side effects.

In comparison, there are other steroids that can peak early and while they offer faster results, they are likely to cause more side effects. Especially when talking about oral steroids that offer very fast results, but have a high level of liver toxicity.

No Hepatotoxic Effects

As said, most oral steroids and even a few injectable ones are liver toxic. Such steroids exhibit toxic effects on the liver which can be dangerous. If using such steroids for too long and/or for too long periods – you may cause permanent liver damage. Moreover, those people who already suffer from liver issues should not attempt the use of hepatotoxic compounds.

Nonetheless, Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) comes with the benefit of not causing any liver strain. This is an injectable anabolic agent that bypasses the liver causing no hepatic issues.

Joint Anti-Inflammatory Effects

A unique Deca Durabolin benefit that I can mention is the fact that it has joint anti inflammatory effects. This means that it is pretty much the only anabolic steroid that is likely to help with joint issues and joint pains.

Nandrolone is increasing collagen synthesis and thus is improving the health of your ligaments and tendons. Not to mention that collagen synthesis is very important for skin health too. But stronger ligaments and tendons are something extremely important for bodybuilders, athletes, and especially powerlifters that are regularly lifting heavy weights. Over some time, this may cause issues. Deca steroid deals with it.

Moreover, I said that Deca Durabolin is also somewhat aromatizing. This helps promote fluid retention. This further aids in lubricating your joints and ligaments. As a result of this, you may notice that it could help minimize, alleviate or even prevent some joint pain in those who are already suffering from it or are prone to it. That’s especially appreciated by those bodybuilders who are regularly lifting heavy weights for lots of years and are likely to develop these joint pains.

There are even studies done about this particular Deca Durabolin benefit. People who were experiencing joint pains were given Deca Durabolin with most of them reporting a dramatic reduction in pain while the rest were reporting less medication to deal with the joint pain. This proves how effective Nandrolone is in terms of its anti-inflammatory effects.


Faster Muscle Recovery Rates

Due to the stress of weight-lifting and pushing your body to the limits during exercise – an increase in cortisol is inevitable. This is going to damage the tissue because high cortisol concentrations will affect protein and carbohydrate metabolism in muscle tissues. Because cortisol levels increase, it leads to muscle weakness, more soreness, and longer recovery rates after intense workouts.

On the other hand, as I said, Deca promotes protein synthesis, will cause an anabolic environment in the body, and will speed up carbohydrate metabolism, all along while regulating the amount of cortisol that your body produces. At the same time, it improves collagen synthesis and increases red blood cells count while retaining nitrogen levels.

All of this will not only make you last longer during intense workouts and make you stronger, but it will dramatically lower the recovery period after those intense workouts. You’re going to train longer, and harder and will be able to train more frequently too. It will decrease the time that your body needs to heal from injury and strain. Moreover, all of this will make you much less susceptible to injuries during heavy weight training.

Deca Durabolin Benefits Conclusion

In the end, as you can see, Deca Durabolin offers a lot of different benefits. In fact, these are not all the benefits that Deca steroid can offer, it’s just the most popular advantages and the ones that most bodybuilders and athletes search for when running a Deca Durabolin cycle.

It’s vital for you to learn about Deca Durabolin side effects and how to correctly use it in order to avoid them while maximizing the benefits and advantages.

Additionally, you need to make sure you buy the best quality Nandrolone Decanoate for sale. Low quality steroids not only increase risks of side effects but decrease the benefits too. Buy Deca Durabolin from and you won’t regret it.

We’re a popular online steroid shop that offers Deca for sale including numerous other anabolic steroids for sale as well as their ancillaries. During steroid cycles, especially with the ones like Deca, you’re often requiring other compounds for a successful cycle such as Testosterone to stack it with, Anti-Estrogens to lower estrogenic side effects and PCT plan to deal with testosterone suppression.



Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)

Drostanolone Propionate is the active substance in the brand Masteron – the most common name for this anabolic and androgenic steroid. This is an injectable compound that is very popular for cutting cycles. It has a very large popularity among those bodybuilders who are competing and use it right before a show, contest, or photoshoot.

That’s because this compound is going to maximize the potential in becoming lean, hard, and dry. But its maximum potential is seen in those people who are already lean, cut, and are carrying low body fat levels. That’s because Drostanolone helps the muscles become harder. If there’s a lot of fat covering them, you won’t see the benefits of this injectable anabolic steroid.

Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and comes with the Propionate ester attached for extending its half-life. There’s also the Drostanolone Enanthate version (Masteron Enanthate) with an even longer half-life. But Drostanolone Propionate specifically seems to be the preferred and most popular version.

Drostanolone has unique traits and both the literature and bodybuilders describe it as a “steroid with great effects and anti-estrogenic properties”. While Masteron is by far not the most anabolic compound (it’s even less anabolic than testosterone) – is still highly effective in bodybuilding and fitness communities.

Because of the fact that it is DHT and cannot aromatize in combination with the fact that it has moderate anabolic activity (in comparison with other anabolic agents) – Drostanolone makes a poor choice for bulking cycles where growing as much muscle mass and strength is the main concern.

Instead, Masteron really shines among bodybuilders and athletes who are in their cutting cycles and are already lean. By adding Drostanolone Propionate, they experience solid lean muscle mass and strength gains with muscle hardness and dryness as well as a reduction in body fat amounts.

Drostanolone Propionate Supply



Drostanolone Propionate is the active substance name. Masteron is the most popular brand name, but there are numerous other trade/ brand names for this substance. Moreover, there’s also Drostanolone Enanthate with a longer half-life. This means you need to inject it less frequently but it will offer slower results. Due to the nature of Drostanolone – the shorter Propionate version is more popular.

Usually, it comes as an oily solution in 10 mL vials that contain 50 mg/mL or 100 mg/mL. Drostanolone Enanthate usually comes in higher concentrations such as 200 mg/mL.

You need to inject this oil solution intramuscularly as you would inject any other anabolic steroid.

Using Masteron

When you use Drostanolone Propionate for physique and performance enhancement for men (I do not recommend this steroid to women at all), then you usually need to inject it at least every other day. Due to the shorter half-life, less frequency of administration won’t be enough to maintain stable levels of Drostanolone in your blood. In order to make sure that the levels are maximum stable, lots of bodybuilders choose to inject it on a daily basis during their cutting cycle as a pre-contest.

  • I also have to mention that I do not recommend Masteron without a testosterone base in your cycle. Bodybuilders either go for this duo, or they even add multiple other cutting steroids. It could be oral steroids like Anavar or Winstrol and/or some injectable ones such as Primobolan, Trenbolone, and others. When talking about Drostanolone Propionate specifically, bodybuilders choose to use it in combination with injectable steroids with similar esters.
  • So, that’s usually Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron Propionate) with Testosterone Propionate. Depending on the level of experience people can stack it with Winstrol or Anavar as well as Primobolan and/or Trenbolone Acetate. Other options are available too such as NPP, Superdrol, Halotestin, and others.

Some people use Drostanolone for bulking cycles too. That’s in order to reduce aromatization and attempt a “leaner” bulk cycle. Obviously, in such situations, it goes with bulking steroids.



The weekly dosage of Masteron is usually ranging between 200-300 mg/week for beginners but it can go well over it. Common dosage is ranging between 300 and 600 mg a week. But there are bigger bodybuilders who attempt even higher dosages. Nonetheless, I recommend being very careful if you attempt an even higher dosage than 600-700 mg/week. Only people with experience can attempt it.

Although Drostanolone is often considered a steroid it’s much safer than many other steroids out there – it still comes with its own set of side effects. Just be careful with the dosage.

So, it’s common for beginners to use 50 mg every other day. Then bump to 50 mg a day (or 100 mg every other day) and with a lot of experience increase the dosage even higher.

If talking about Drostanolone Enanthate though, dosages per week remain the same. But you only need to use it twice a week. You’ll see much slower results though.


Masteron – Drostanolone Propionate cycle of 8 weeks is very common and perhaps the most common cycle length. Some attempt shorter or longer cycles such as 6-10 weeks. But if you want to use it for even longer, you may already go for Drostanolone Enanthate.

  • But usually, during the cycle, people use Drostanolone Propionate about 50-100 mg every other day for 8 weeks in combination with Testosterone Propionate. Other steroids are optional depending on various factors.

Side Effects

Drostanolone Propionate comes with its own set of side effects. You may hear that Masteron is actually a safer steroid than many others and that’s actually true. But side effects are still possible to occur.


Let me explain:

Estrogenic side effects. Masteron is a DHT derivative and it does not aromatize into estrogen. In fact, Masteron has anti-estrogenic properties which means that it will actually lower the estrogen when you use it. That’s why there are lower chances that you would need actual anti-estrogens when you add Drostanolone to your cycle. Even if you would, there are chances you would need lower doses of them. Therefore, Drostanolone is actually protecting you against estrogenic side effects and not causing them.

Hepatotoxic side effects. Masteron is an injectable steroid and is not C17 alpha alkylated. This means that there won’t occur any hepatotoxic issues while using Drostanolone Propionate. Your liver enzymes will not increase.

Testosterone suppression. All anabolic and androgenic steroids are causing suppression of natural testosterone production and drostanolone is not an exception. Although Drostanolone is not going to suppress you as much as other steroids would, it’s still suppressive. When you use it in a higher dosage required for physique and performance enhancement purposes you’re likely to feel it. That’s why you need testosterone during the cycle of Masteron and that’s why you need a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after each cycle. Well, unless you’re cruising or are in TRT as your body already can’t produce enough natural testosterone. Without these measures, you’re likely to suffer from low testosterone symptoms.


Cardiovascular issues. All steroids are causing negative effects on cholesterol values. It usually leads to a reduction in HDL (good) cholesterol and an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol. The negative impact on your cholesterol levels is likely to lead to a negative impact on your overall cardiovascular health. Especially when talking about hypertension, its negative effects on the heart, and so on and so forth. Drostanolone is a milder steroid so it’s not as bad in terms of cholesterol and cardiovascular disease risk as other steroids are. Yet, it is still not all safe.

Androgenic side effects. The androgenic activity of Masteron is even lower than an anabolic activity – but it is still there. That’s why, pretty much like any other steroid, is capable of causing androgenic issues. Theoretically, Drostanolone Propionate should be way safer in terms of androgenic issues due to lower androgenic activity. But remember that it is a DHT derivative with powerful effects. That’s why, it may lead to androgenic issues like oily skin, acne, facial and body hair growth including others. Due to this, women are at high risk of experiencing virilizing issues. I recommend women avoid Drostanolone at all. But if they do use it, use it for no longer than 4-6 weeks in tiny doses such as 10-20 mg every other day.

Debunking Drostanolone Propionate Myths

  1. You need a higher Drostanolone dosage to make it effective. I understand this misconception. First off because people often think of Masteron as a mild steroid (because of the numbers on paper). Second, because some use Masteron without getting the results they expect. But that’s because they don’t use it correctly in the first place. This is not a bulking steroid – it’s a hardener. And no, you don’t need huge doses to make it effective.
  2. You can use Masteron as an anti-estrogen. I understand this one too. Indeed, Drostanolone has anti-estrogenic properties. But do not confuse it with actual anti-estrogens like Anastrozole or Exemestane which are designed to lower estrogen. Unlike Drostanolone. Well, if you’re barely aromatizing and use a lower testosterone solo dosage then Masteron can be enough. But if you’re highly aromatizing and/or you’re using a higher dosage of aromatizing steroids then be sure Drostanolone Propionate won’t be enough.
  3. Masteron is all safe without side effects. Perhaps the most dangerous myth. It’s not going to cause liver toxicity and won’t add on estrogenic issues. Instead, it’s going to cause testosterone suppression, likely to cause cardiovascular strain, and will almost certainly cause DHT issues.
  4. The steroid is going to burn lots of fat. No, it’s not. Drostanolone will indeed help you burn a bit of fat with a proper diet and workout plan, but nothing dramatic. In fact, you’re unlikely to notice any fat loss and too many benefits if your body fat is over 13-15%. You’re going to enjoy the hardening and cosmetic benefits the most when you’re under 11-12% of body fat.

Where To Buy Drostanolone Propionate?!

You need to be careful where you buy your Drostanolone Propionate because it’s a steroid that is often faked. That’s because of its fairly high price in comparison with other steroids and because of its relative mildness.

At you can buy Masteron for sale of the best quality ensuring you’re going to love both the quality and the price of this steroid. We also carry every other compound that you may need to use with Drostanolone.



Trestolone, also known as MENT, is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid. It’s an extremely powerful anabolic steroid – even more powerful than Trenbolone, the steroid that’s often regarded as the most powerful steroid on the market. People call Tren that way because Trestolone is not very popular. Part of the reason why Trestolone Acetate (MENT) is not as popular as other steroids including Trenbolone is that it’s actually too powerful for most people to tolerate it and is because it never had any medical uses either.

This combination doesn’t make this steroid the most attractive compound out there for many people. Huge potency means huge results, but it also means increased risks of side effects. Nonetheless, whoever tolerates Trestolone says that this is perhaps the best steroid for gaining lean muscle mass and doing it really fast. Its outrageously high potency helps users grow outrageous amounts of muscle mass in outrageous short periods.

So, this compound never had any medical uses and is not FDA approved. However, it’s an extremely helpful compound for physique enhancement and performance boost.

What is Trestolone Acetate?



This is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid and is a derivative of nandrolone (19-nortestosterone). It’s also commonly known as MENT. This product is about 10 times more powerful than testosterone and is twice as powerful as the already powerful trenbolone!

Given its huge potency, Trestolone is very popular for bodybuilding and strength training needs. Trestolone Acetate can help users achieve some really fast, and effective results. Many people are amazed by the way this steroid works in terms of how much muscle and strength it helps you gain and how fast it does it all.

Due to the way it works, some people think that MENT Trestolone is a steroid that you do not need to stack with testosterone. The only steroid that doesn’t require a stack with testosterone. Nonetheless, that’s just a theory and I wouldn’t recommend you to experiment on yourself, so it’s better to still add testosterone to your cycle.

Trestolone Results and Effects

When you think about Trestolone results, it’s very important to remember that this steroid is extremely powerful. Again, even more powerful than Trenbolone, twice as powerful, to be more exact.

  • Therefore, you can expect the effects of Trestolone and overall results to be similar to those of Testosterone and Trenbolone. However, they are going to be way more pronounced even in lower doses.

As we all know, the effects of Trenbolone or Testosterone are extremely helpful for physique and performance enhancement. Yet, you’ll get even more and faster results with Trestolone Acetate.

Many people say that the effects are somewhat comparable to those of Oxymetholone (Anadrol). You are going to get monster gains super fast. The immense gains are bigger than those with Dianabol. But the difference is that Trestolone is an injectable steroid unlike Oxymetholone so it won’t only be safer for the liver, but it’s also not going to cause the same water retention and other estrogenic side effects that Anadrol would.

  • For this exact reason, MENT Trestolone is a steroid that people can use both in their cutting and bulking cycles. Nonetheless, due to its extreme potency and ability to help you gain immense muscle mass, it’s mostly a bulking compound.


Trestolone Acetate Dosage

Again, remember that Trestolone is an injectable steroid. You would use it the exact same way as you would any other injectable steroid – as an intramuscular injection. Also, considering that it comes with Acetate ester, the same as in Trenbolone Acetate, there’s basically no difference in how you should use these two steroids.

MENT Trestolone Acetate has the exact same half-life of about two days, that’s why you need to inject it on a daily basis. The least injection frequency is every other day. By attempting to administer it less frequently, pretty much as with Trenbolone Acetate, you won’t maintain stable levels of this steroid in your blood. This leads to highs and lows.

The dosage of Trestolone is ranging between 100 mg and 500 mg per week. Some attempt even higher dosage, but due to its extreme power, I wouldn’t recommend doing that. Most commonly, people use anywhere between 200 and 350 mg a week.

This means that the common dosage is ranging between 50 mg every other day up to 50 mg a day. Going on 25 mg every other day is safer while going on 100 mg every day is very likely to cause nasty side effects.

As said, some people believe that you can use it alone, but I still recommend a stack with at least a low testosterone dosage. Others add other steroids such as Anavar or Winstrol for cutting or Dianabol or Anadrol for bulking, but I wouldn’t recommend doing it. Unless you know what you’re doing as you have lots of cycles under your belt.

I also recommend keeping Trestolone cycle length short – up to 6 or an absolute maximum of 8 weeks. Despite not being liver toxic, longer cycles are still dangerous and likely to affect you in a negative way.


Trestolone Acetate Side Effects

Side effects of Trestolone are very possible to occur because of its potency. However, it’s not set in stone that they will actually occur. Moreover, even if they do, you can control them with proper administration.

In order to ensure that your body responds well to this steroid, you need to start with a lower dosage. Starting with a higher dosage is very likely to cause side effects that you simply wouldn’t know how to deal with.

Trestolone aromatizes into estrogen, but it’s not extremely aromatizing like for example Methandienone is. So, while estrogenic side effects can occur, they are likely to be way less pronounced.

Androgenic side effects are likely to be strong and testosterone suppression is very possible too. Therefore, you need to control the androgenic issues, have aromatase inhibitors handy in case you notice the estrogenic ones, and then run a PCT plan at the end of the cycle to avoid low T symptoms.

Remember that the higher the dosage – the higher chances of worse side effects. So, you need to learn how to use it correctly. Proper administration, of course, is the best way to avoid side effects.

Buy Trestolone Acetate – MENT For Sale

It’s very important to pay attention to where exactly you’re buying Trestolone from because this steroid is technically still a research compound. That’s why, it’s not only hard to find it, but lots of sources and brands offer bunk MENT disguised as other compounds.

For example, someone can claim to offer Trestolone Acetate but you get a different compound instead. So, I just want to warn you to be careful.trestolone-acetate-euro-pharmacies

Moreover, Trestolone Acetate popular as MENT Trestolone is a powerful steroid, as said numerous times because of how powerful it actually is. You need to be very careful with it. This means that with the help of this steroid, you can achieve mind blowing results for physique improvement and performance enhancement needs.

This compound is 10 times more powerful than testosterone. It could be a good indicator that it is 10 times more effective and 10 times more dangerous. is the best site when it comes to anabolic steroids. That’s because you won’t only save a lot of money when doing business with us, but you’re always guaranteed the best quality steroids. Moreover, we can help determine the best way to use Trestolone and other steroids. The best way in order to achieve the best possible results while maintaining side effects at bay.


  • That’s why it is so important to find a good source. You need to make sure you get only quality gear and you need to make sure that you use that quality gear correctly. So, can help you with both your needs. Just keep your diet and training plan on point and you’re sure to reach those goals.

Testosterone Injections Before And After Photos

Below you’re going to see some amazing testosterone injections before and after photos of real people who had real results with this steroid.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

It’s important to understand though that people use testosterone injections for a variety of purposes. There are people who use testosterone injections as testosterone therapy (testosterone replacement therapy – TRT) for health purposes. These are people who have naturally low T levels for whatever reason.

For Cutting

There are those who use testosterone injections for cutting and weight loss. While they want to maintain lean muscle tissues, their main goal is to lose as much fat as possible. This is a hormone that’s very helpful for these purposes too. It’s an important hormone for weight loss processes.

For Bulking

Also, there are people who use testosterone injections for growing lean muscle mass, body recomposition, and/or bulking cycles. It’s a very well known fact that this hormone is extremely important for strength and muscle gain. And usually, the more of this hormone you have, the more muscle (and faster) you can grow. That’s why men with naturally higher levels of testosterone are usually stronger and more muscular than those with normal or even low levels.


How To Achieve Awesome Results?

With all of this being said, it’s obvious that with testosterone injections, you can be the next person to share some awesome before and after photos. Nonetheless, you have to use them carefully if you want to avoid side effects. It’s obvious that they come with side effects.

Testosterone injections increase the levels of the testosterone hormone. While it comes with lots of benefits, too much of this hormone for too long periods can cause side effects such as acne, hair loss (if you are genetically prone to them), water retention, gynecomastia, and others. But with proper use of testosterone injections before and after photos results can be just perfect.

It’s also important to remember that for each of those goals, there are different dosages of testosterone that you need to use. For example, for TRT, the dosage is determined by how low your natural levels are and how your body reacts. For cutting, it goes by pretty much the same factors, but they are also dependable on other factors too. Plus the dosage is usually lower than for bulking. Lastly, testosterone for bulking usually involves the highest dosages. But you need to use them carefully because too high a dosage can cause side effects.



More To Say…

  • Additionally, it’s important to understand that to experience the best testosterone injections before and after results – you need to learn how to use injections correctly. While that’s pretty obvious, I still need to warn you about it.

Moreover, you get awesome results only if you follow a proper lifestyle. Without a proper training plan and a diet on point, you obviously can’t grow muscle and burn fat. It doesn’t occur with higher testosterone levels while sitting on the couch all day long. Higher testosterone levels from testosterone injections do help speed up the process of working out and dieting though. And helps you get over the limits.

How Soon You’ll See Testosterone Injections Effects?

It depends on Testosterone ester. There are long and short ones. There’s also testosterone without any ester which would offer extremely fast results. But still, most people go for testosterone injections that usually offer slower results. Why?

Well, shorter versions of testosterone such as suspension (no ester) or propionate (shortest ester) require a very often administration schedule. With Suspension is ridiculously often – multiple injections a day. With Propionate it’s every day or at least every other day. Moreover, the shorter the version of testosterone, the more likely to cause PIP. It also depends on how each individual’s system responds to the hormone. But usually, it takes only a couple of days with Suspension to see the first results and up to a week with Propionate to see the first results.

Yet, most people go with Enanthate or Cypionate. Despite the fact that it takes about 3-5 weeks for the first results to kick in with this long version of testosterone, they are usually less painful AND they only require two injections per week, spread throughout the week. At least once weekly. But most people report they feel libido increase after about 3 weeks with Enanthate or Cypionate and mood improvement after 3-6 weeks. The good news is that these effects are also long lasting.

Physical Benefits

Testosterone injections are going to help you lose weight, burn fat, pack on muscle, add weight, get stronger, improve motivation, energy, endurance, and lots of other benefits. But the physical benefits start to appear on an individual basis depending on various factors.

Testosterone Injections Before And After Photos man

Those who have low levels of testosterone and use short versions of testosterone while changing their lifestyle from poor quality of life to watching their diet, working out, and getting enough sleep might see the first physical change of muscle growth and/or fat burn as fast as just one week.

But for most people (normal circumstances) who had normal levels of testosterone and started to use longer versions such as Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate without a drastic change in lifestyle (as they were already working out and dieting for a while now) – the first physical changes start to appear after week 6.

That’s why usual testosterone cycles are 10-12-14 weeks. Until the end of the cycle, the individual is usually having great improvements. It’s pretty obvious that it depends on lots of factors too. It depends on the dosage, goals, your dedication, your genetics, lifestyle and so many other factors.

Nonetheless, by having a proper lifestyle and using Testosterone injections properly, most men report amazing benefits from their very first testosterone cycle.

Buy Testosterone Injections Online

Unless you’re suffering from low Testosterone levels, a doctor won’t prescribe you this hormone. And even then, doctors usually prescribe very low dosages and the injections are very expensive. That’s why a lot of people still buy testosterone injections online, even for their TRT purposes.

testosterone-cypionate-euro-pharmacies-1But when it comes to physique and performance, either to burn fat or to gain muscle (or both), testosterone injections are the best thing. You can’t get them from doctors, but you can buy them online directly from

  • We also have a lot of other steroids that can help you achieve your goals better, easier and faster. By doing business with us, you’ll get the best testosterone injections allowing you to become the next person to post awesome before and after photos results. As many of our other customers did.
  • We can also help you determine the best way to use testosterone injections for you and your needs. Moreover, we don’t only offer high quality steroids only, but we’re offering each one of them for the lowest prices on the market too. So you can save money for testosterone injections when you buy them from our site.


Remember that when you use testosterone injections you may need estrogenic protection because testosterone converts into estrogen. You may also need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) meds if you do not plan to remain on testosterone injections for the rest of your life. As you can guess – we carry all of them too!

Anastrozole For Men

Anastrozole for men is actually an extremely important tool when it comes to fighting off the side effects of anabolic steroids. This is the reason why I recommend every man who intends to start an anabolic steroid cycle to read about Anastrozole too.

That’s because they are likely to need this product during their cycle in order to deal with the side effects. How does Anastrozole do it? What exactly does it do? Does it have side effects? You can answer these questions by reading this Anastrozole for men post.

Anastrozole is an anti-estrogen. This is the name of the active substance. But you might hear about it as Arimidex – the most popular brand name, among others. It is in the category of aromatase inhibitors (AIs).

Anastrozole (Arimidex) was actually a medication created for the purpose of treating breast cancer in women. And this is actually the main purpose of Arimidex in medical settings.

However, in some instances, men also receive a prescription for Arimidex (Anastrozole). Mainly when men are having too high estrogen levels causing negative symptoms. And that’s how we slowly get to Anastrozole for men in bodybuilding settings.

In short – anabolic steroids are very likely to increase estrogen levels. That’s why they are very likely to cause estrogenic issues during the cycle. In order to deal with such types of problems, men need to add an anti-estrogen such as Anastrozole to lower estrogen levels. This is the reason why Arimidex is almost always recommended to have handy whenever you plan to run a steroid cycle.

What is Arimidex – Anastrozole?


Anastrozole is working by blocking the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone (and other male hormones) into estrogen (and other female hormones). Considering that you have an abundance of male hormones when you use anabolic steroids, it’s obvious that you’re likely to get an abundance of female hormones too. It’s because you have more male hormones in the body that convert into estrogen through the aromatase enzyme.

Considering that Arimidex blocks the enzyme, it has a direct impact on lowering the levels of estrogen that are circulating in your body. That’s critical in terms of treating breast cancer that grows due to estrogen. But it’s also critical for men trying to lower estrogen levels as they increase (and cause negative symptoms) when you may use steroids.

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is one of the most effective and most popular aromatase inhibitors out there.

  • There are others such as Exemestane and Letrozole. But while the former is more expensive than Anastrozole, the latter is way too powerful (might inhibit estrogen too much). That’s the main reason why Arimidex is usually the first go-to solution when it comes to aromatase inhibitors and attempting to deal with estrogenic side effects.



It’s important to mention though that not all steroids aromatize into estrogen. However, Testosterone does. Including Nandrolone, Dianabol, and others. Yet, Testosterone is a steroid that you need to use in all steroid cycles for obvious reasons. And it aromatizes into estrogen.

In short, whatever anabolic steroid cycle comes with some risk of estrogenic side effects as a result of aromatization. Therefore, Arimidex is a really high priority when it comes to steroid users. And that’s regardless if you’re a beginner or a professional steroid user.

It’s also pretty obvious that Anastrozole is even more important (and very likely for you to need higher doses) when you use higher dosages and/or multiple aromatizing steroids. That’s because there’s obviously a big difference in aromatization from 200 mg/week of Testosterone alone vs 600 mg/week of Testosterone with 400 mg/week of Nandrolone alongside 40 mg/day of Dianabol all at once, for example.

Arimidex For Men Uses

Arimidex – Anastrozole for men is a powerful anti-estrogen tool, as it is for women. But when it comes to its uses for men, it’s mostly for dealing with gynecomastia and water retention due to high estrogen levels. Arimidex during a cycle is universal among users – a strategy to protect against high estrogen symptoms.

When men use aromatizing steroids and they convert them into estrogen, they need to use Arimidex (or at least some other form of AI) to lower estrogen

This is going to help them stay away from or deal with the already occurring estrogenic side effects such as water retention (which can possibly lead to high blood pressure), erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, and others.

Remember that Arimidex is extremely effective at inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, which lowers estrogen and high estrogen levels are what leads to these issues.


Anastrozole For Men Dosage

The most common Arimidex dosage for men is around 0.5 mg (half a tablet) up to 1 mg (one full tablet) once every few days. How often to administer it depends on the estrogenic issues (but estrogenic issues depend on your aromatizing steroids dosage, mostly). It can be once a week or every other day. The point is to mitigate the side effects.

Some people may attempt 1 mg of Arimidex on a daily basis. But I need to warn you that in most cases, this high dosage is unnecessary. In fact, using too much Arimidex can bring your estrogen levels too low, which may lead to other side effects.

Arimidex Side Effects For Men

Arimidex (Anastrozole) is likely to cause side effects if you crush your too much, too fast, or for too long your estrogen levels. Estrogen is often regarded as the female hormone. But it’s extremely important for a man too. Attempting to use as much Anastrozole as possible to lower as much estrogen as possible is a huge mistake that’s going to cause side effects.

Estrogen is an important hormone for building muscle, for your cholesterol, for bone health, and even for your sexual life (erection and libido). It’s also important for your metabolism and central nervous system.

That’s why, if you’re going to lower estrogen too much by administering too high Arimidex dosage, you can experience the following side effects:

  • Inability to gain muscle mass
  • Strength loss
  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Weakened bones
  • Joint issues
  • Sleep issues
  • Low mood
  • Negative effects on your lipids profile
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • And there are various others

Buy Arimidex For Bodybuilding


Anastrozole is a compound that you need a prescription for. But if you’re searching for it for bodybuilding purposes (as estrogenic protection and protection against anabolic steroid side effects) you obviously need to buy it from the same source where you got your steroids.

Make sure that at you are going to find the best quality anabolic steroids and all their ancillaries.


Somatropin Side Effects

“Somatropin side effects” is the topic that we’re going to talk about here today because this is something extremely important for you to learn if you want to use this PED in the first place.

What is Somatropin?

Before we continue, let’s get out of our way of the basic things.

Somatropin is the synthetic version of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). HGH is a naturally occurring hormone but Somatropin (Somatotropin) is made in the laboratory. That’s pretty much the only difference because as soon as you use Somatropin – your levels of HGH start to increase. So, HGH is basically Somatropin.

This is a compound that comes only in the form of injection (intramuscular or subcutaneous, but mostly – SubQ). Scientists couldn’t find a way to make Somatropin (HGH) effective by administering it in any other way. Anyone claiming they offer HGH – Somatropin in other versions is a scammer. Supplement companies often claim to offer Somatropin as pills, but they offer nothing else than just herbal and natural compounds that should help you increase HGH naturally. But they don’t work the way HGH does and it’s far from its potency because by injecting Somatropin, you’re basically injecting this Growth hormone.



Why Use HGH For Bodybuilding?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) got extremely popular in the late years because of its awesome benefits when it comes to general health benefits as well as physique and performance enhancement.

In medical settings, doctors prescribe it to patients suffering from naturally low levels of this hormone. But people often use HGH off label not for physique and/or performance boost, but rather just for health benefits. They are feeling better and younger by adding HGH to their regimen.

Bodybuilders and athletes, however, use HGH mainly for gaining lean muscle mass and burning off body fat, especially fat around the midsection.

HGH is an extremely important hormone for every human. Its levels start to decrease as we age and that’s resulting in… aging. HGH has a lot of different benefits such as improving mental abilities, enhancing your overall health, improving sleep quality, and much more. It is important for recovery, muscle growth, bone health, nails, skin, and hair health, for burning fat and so much more.

HGH has A LOT of benefits and that’s why it is so important for every person. Those who suffer from low HGH levels will benefit the most.

Nonetheless, bodybuilders and athletes still use Somatropin despite having normal levels of HGH as it will help them grow muscles, burn fat and recover way more, faster, and better than they normally would. It allows people to gain more muscle than they would ever be able to naturally.


Explaining Side Effects of Growth Hormones

HGH (Somatropin) is immensely important for everyone. Nonetheless, as with any other drug, it comes with the possibility of side effects. Those people who use HGH for way too long and/or in way too high dosages are most susceptible to experiencing side effects. That’s because their body receives way too high levels of this hormone. While this helps grow muscle and burn fat including numerous other benefits, too high levels of any hormone might lead to side effects.

  • Those who are suffering from Growth Hormone Deficiency are less susceptible to side effects as their levels were low before using Somatropin so they just balance it out. But those who are not actually having low HGH levels are the ones who put themselves at risk of side effects by administering too much HGH.

That’s why Somatropin injections are not actually a suitable option for everyone. While even those who have normal HGH levels may benefit from adding it, they should be extra cautious. Moreover, there are certain people with certain medical issues that shouldn’t use this drug, at least, not without their doctor’s approval. It includes people suffering from diabetes, cancer, thyroid issues, and others.

In the end, using some synthetic HGH products (Somatropin) increases HGH levels a lot and definitely results in lots of benefits such as faster gains, faster recovery, and so on and so forth. But you may also experience side effects too.

What Are The Somatropin Side Effects?

There are numerous HGH side effects that are mainly associated with the excess use of synthetic HGH (Somatropin) injections. They usually include:

  • Hypoglycemia (which can lead to diabetes)HGH-side-effects-bodybuilding
  • Water retention (bloating or edema)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (painful wrists)
  • An achy feeling when waking (pains in joints)
  • Sleepiness (might feel drowsy and need to take naps)

But these are just some physical side effects that people may experience. There are also mental side effects too but they are varying from one person to another depending on lots of factors.

Other Somatropin side effects to mention:

  • Tingling of skin
  • Acromegaly (abnormal growth of some organs)
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Gynecomastia
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Changes in blood sugar insulin
  • Changes in appetite
  • And there are others

When talking about acromegaly – it is a condition that occurs only by overdoing HGH for a long period. This is a condition that causes excessive growth of the face, hands, feet, heart, or other organs. But with moderate use in moderate dosage, this is very unlikely to be experienced.

In the end, I strongly recommend watching out for any of these side effects whenever you start using Somatropin injections. If you notice these issues getting out of hand, you need to adjust the dosage or completely stop its use.

It’s important to understand that not everyone experiences side effects. Moreover, some may experience specific side effects while other people may experience others. So if you do have side effects, it definitely doesn’t mean that you’ll experience all of them.

There are two other side effects that are pretty popular when talking about HGH side effects. I decided to talk about them in a bit more detail.


HGH Gut (or Protruding Belly) is a popular side effect of HGH (Somatropin) that many people are afraid of. However, I have to warn you that HGH Gut is actually just acromegaly – abnormal growth of bodily organs. As earlier said – this is something that occurs only with long term exogenous HGH use and usually, in higher dosages.

That’s when a professional bodybuilder is having 3-6% of body fat with very visible abs, nonetheless, their stomach still looks like beer bellies. Usually, it occurs because those bodybuilders were using HGH in high dosages, for long periods, alongside insulin, all in an attempt to grow muscle as much as possible.



A lot of people have heard of a link between HGH and cancer. I have to warn you that there is actually a link between these two. Nonetheless, you should learn something before actually making a conclusion.

For example, we know that growth hormones are multiplying cells, thus HGH may increase the chances of cancer. Well, let me explain.

HGH is just a hormone so it wouldn’t cause cancer. At least, it will not directly cause cancer to occur. However, in fact, it can actually accelerate the growth of an already existing cancer. This means that if you already have existing cancer cells, then HGH, being a GROWTH hormone that works by multiplying cells (that’s how it speeds up recovery and helps you grow more muscles in the first place), it’s obvious that it may speed up the growth of those cancer cells too (alongside everything else).

But in the end, it’s pretty important to understand that when abusing anything, it can actually cause cancer. It’s not only anabolic steroids, Somatropin, or whatever else – everything. Abuse of anything is likely to cause side effects including cancer. That’s why I strongly recommend being very careful whenever you plan to use something for physique and performance enhancement.

Conclusion Somatropin Side Effects

In the end, there are a lot of different people who are using HGH for a lot of different needs. I don’t really recommend HGH – Somatropin injections to beginners and young people. I would only recommend it to those who need HGH for health purposes or for bodybuilders who want to take their physique and performance to the next level. However, they need to have years of experience under their belt.


Overall, Somatropin side effects are definitely possible to occur, but anything in abusive dosage can cause side effects. With proper use, HGH can actually be extremely helpful.

  • Moreover, besides side effects, HGH has a pretty high cost and there are lots of sources that sell counterfeit HGH. These are some other “Somatropin side effects” too. However, in order to deal with these issues, buy Somatropin for sale from

While it’s expensive to produce HGH so it’s still more expensive compared to anabolic steroids, purchasing HGH for sale from our site, you make sure you get only the best quality Human Growth Hormone without the risk of getting a fake product. Moreover, we make sure that you get the best price for whichever brand of Somatropin you choose to get. Additionally, we can help you determine the best way to use HGH for you and your needs.



Mesterolone is the active substance in the popular brand Proviron. Although other brand names are available, Proviron remains the first and most popular one. Nonetheless, regardless of the brand/trade name – as long as we talk about Mesterolone, they are all the same substance.

Mesterolone is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS). There is no injectable version of this steroid. Despite being orally active, Mesterolone is not C17 AA and this is not the only unique trait of this steroid. Another unique trait is that it’s barely anabolic, and it’s the most androgen steroid on the market.

Overall, this is a very unique steroid. It’s a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) like many others, but it works in very different ways. For example, it has such a low anabolic strength activity that is arguably an anabolic steroid in the first place. This is the main reason why Proviron (Mesterolone) is one of the most misunderstood steroids on the market among bodybuilders.Proviron-Bayer-e1547652160736-1

  • In medical settings, Proviron helps men struggling with hypogonadism and infertility. In bodybuilding settings, Proviron works as an ancillary to other steroids, despite it being a steroid itself.


Because of its unique characteristics and low anabolic activity – there’s no point in using a solo Mesterolone cycle. You always need to stack it with other steroids. Additionally, you shouldn’t expect strength or muscle gains from it. Instead, this steroid can boost the efficacy of other steroids and at the same time, can lower the side effects of anabolic steroids when you combine them.

As said, this is one of the most misunderstood steroids out there, and it’s also one of the most underestimated ones. While some people may think that Mesterolone is useless for physique and performance enhancement purposes, others can’t imagine a steroid cycle without it.

Let’s check Proviron’s advantages.

Mesterolone – Proviron Benefits

It’s important to understand that because of the way Proviron works, there’s no point in using it alone. You always need to stack it with other steroids, at least with testosterone. And yes, you can stack it with oral steroids despite it being an oral AAS itself because it’s not C17AA, thus, is not hepatotoxic.

Also, if you stack it for a cutting cycle, most benefits are visible when you are already lean. Proviron does help you burn a bit of fat, but nothing outrageous. Its outrageous effect is in the fact that it can make your muscles appear really hard. But there’s no point in this if you have a lot of fat covering them up. Let’s check them.

No Injections

This is an advantage of Proviron – the fact that it comes as a tablet. You swallow them just like you would take a painkiller. While it’s important for you to learn how to inject steroids because testosterone comes in the form of intramuscular injection and testosterone is important in all steroid cycles, there’s no need to inject even more with Mesterolone.

Swallowing Proviron tablets, you’re going to experience all the benefits. Of course, as long as you’re doing it correctly.

Enhance Steroids Efficacy

One of the main and most popular benefits of Proviron is the fact that it enhances the efficacy of other steroids that you stack it with. It does so by enhancing testosterone levels.

While Mesterolone is a weak steroid, you could greatly benefit from using it when you’re doing it right. For example, you should know that in your body, there’s a type of protein called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which binds to testosterone and to other steroids and reduces their activity.

Mesterolone, however, binds to SHBG and reduces its level. As a result, there’s less SHBG to bind to steroids and testosterone. This results in more free testosterone. It’s the free testosterone that makes you grow muscle and get stronger. That’s how Mesterolone helps you indirectly. But as you can see, it helps only when you stack it with other compounds, otherwise, it’s pretty much worthless.

Because the fact that Proviron allows you to have a greater level of free testosterone circulating in the body, it leads to a myriad of benefits. Testosterone is extremely important for a man, it responds to a lot of different things in the body having lots of different bodily functions.

For example, testosterone helps build muscle, gain strength, boost libido, enhance mood, increase motivation and energy, improve the immune system, enhance overall performance and so much more.

In short, Proviron helps with all of that, in an indirect way. But that’s why it is so important to stack Proviron with at least testosterone alone. That’s why so many people can’t imagine a cycle without it. Others even use it year-round during their TRT or cruise. mesterolone-bodybuilding-uses-proviron

Increases Muscle Density and Hardness

As I earlier said, Mesterolone does help burn fat to some degree, but it’s far from the ability to burn fat of other steroids and other compounds. These effects are rather weak. What it really does is increase muscle density and hardness. This is perhaps one of the most desired results among bodybuilders.

Because of the fact that it’s a DHT derivative, it increases free testosterone and it works as an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) – it helps you fire up your physique by improving vascularity and dryness. The fact that it has some anti-estrogenic properties is another reason why using it alone is worthless. While you still need to have an AI handy, just in case estrogenic side effects spike (because Proviron has weak AI properties), Mesterolone can still lower/control some estrogenic side effects.

Because of all these factors, Mesterolone is a popular compound for cutting and pre-contest cycles. It definitely helps offer an additional bonus when it comes to the hardness and density of muscles. That has a strong relationship with the fact that it increases free testosterone and lowers aromatization.

That’s why it’s not really helpful at burning fat or growing muscles, but due to aromatase inhibiting properties and SHBG binding abilities, Proviron is actually doing a great job if you want to appear shredded, ripped, and lean.

Decreases Side Effects of Steroids


This is another huge and popular Mesterolone benefit. While some people use it to enhance the efficacy of other steroids, others use it for its muscle hardening effects (or both), there are those using Proviron only because of its ability to decrease the side effects of anabolic steroids (or a combination of all three or just two of these three main benefits).

A lot of people noticed that when they add Proviron during a cycle of anabolic steroids, they are feeling much better and they control/avoid the side effects of other steroids. According to those people, it does a great job of reducing some side effects of other steroids. And most specifically – when talking about decreased libido and/or mood issues.

For example, Nandrolone and Trenbolone are steroids that are popular for causing erection issues and/or low libido. In fact, Nandrolone is so popular in causing this that people nicknamed this issue “Deca Dick”. Deca Durabolin is the brand of Nandrolone. Additionally, a lot of people report mood issues while on a steroid cycle.


Proviron (Mesterolone) is a DHT compound that can help “fill in the gaps” efficiently and reduce these unwanted side effects. It’s not strong enough to burn fat and grow muscle and gain strength, but it’s highly useful when you cycle it with other steroids. Then again, that’s another reason why using Mesterolone alone is pretty much useless and simply not worth it.

Many people say that by adding Proviron during their cycle they feel much better with much more motivation. They say that their mood is way better (some even say it has euphoric effects) and that it works even better than male enhancing pills for libido and erections. After all, this was a compound that was meant to treat impotence and infertility in men.

So, those men who have a hard time maintaining an erection and/or have a low sex drive would find Mesterolone perfect. Some say that they keep Proviron handy each time they use a steroid cycle and add it whenever erection issues kick in.

They suggest that a combination of an actual male enhancing pill (like Viagra or Cialis) in combination with Proviron during the cycle is making them so hard and so horny that all they think about is sex and the gym.

How to Use Proviron For Best Results?

So, now you know what are the benefits and advantages of Proviron and I guess I’ve stated enough reasons for you to understand that using it alone is non efficient. Moreover, it’s pretty clear to understand why the best Proviron results are seen by people who are already lean before starting the cycle. Those with a lot of body fat percentage wouldn’t really benefit from using it in terms of physical benefits. They can only benefit from its steroid enhancing effects and steroid’s side effects reducing effects.

Remember that Proviron comes in the form of tablets only. Regardless of the daily dosage, spread it throughout the day. Most people use it in two doses throughout the day, but others use it even 3-4 times a day. That’s important to maintain stable blood levels.

You can use it with or without food, however, some suggest that in order to achieve the best results, you need to use it on an empty stomach. In theory, it offers maximum absorption.

Stacking Proviron – Mesterolone

So, in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks, you need to know how to use it correctly. First off – always stack it with at least testosterone only, but many stack it with testosterone (which is necessary for all steroid cycles) and other steroids. Which steroids exactly depends on a lot of different factors but it can be almost anyone you want.

Commonly, people stack Proviron (Mesterolone) with Deca Durabolin and/or Dianabol for bulking cycles. Or they stack it with Trenbolone and/or Winstrol for cutting cycles.

Mesterolone – Proviron Cycle

This is an oral steroid that is not C17AA and that’s why there’s no need to stop its use after 6-8 weeks. Nonetheless, I would still recommend stopping it every once in a while to allow your body to recover. As said, some people use it year round in a similar way they use testosterone when blasting and cruising. Such as a higher dosage during the cycle (blasting) and then a lower one during the TRT (cruising).

I wouldn’t do it. Better only use it during the cycle (10-12 weeks or up to 16 weeks). Also, if you’re planning a PCT then stopping the Mesterolone cycle is even more important.

Mesterolone – Proviron Dosage

Proviron is generally a very well tolerated anabolic steroid that doesn’t cause nearly as many or as nasty side effects that other stronger steroids do. Yet, without a proper dosage, you can expect some side effects. If you actually abuse it and/or you’re prone to its specific side effects then they can become pretty nasty.

So, you should follow the same rule of thumb as with any other anabolic steroid – start with a lower dosage and then slowly titrate it up as you gain more experience and have a better idea of how this steroid works for you.

Perhaps the most common Proviron dosage is 50 mg a day. Nonetheless, people generally use anywhere between 25 mg and 250 mg a day. The most common dosage is 50-150 mg a day. Doses over are rarely required by anyone (and when it does – only by professionals).

Doses of 50-100 mg a day are perfect for most people’s needs.


Proviron Side Effects

This is a steroid that many people use in order to lower the side effects of other steroids. Therefore, logic says that Mesterolone is a product that doesn’t really cause a lot of side effects.

It can, however, cause side effects in specific situations for specific people. As strange as it may sound, it can work the other way around and actually cause libido loss or erectile dysfunction. Others can experience lethargy and/or mood swings. But that’s very rare.

  • Except for that, it includes the common side effects of other steroids such as natural testosterone suppression among men, virilization among women, androgenic side effects, and negative effects on cholesterol/cardiovascular health.

But since it’s a milder steroid – these issues wouldn’t be really bad. At least, milder than with other steroids. Maybe with the exception of virilization issues among women. Being a pure DHT steroid, women can experience such issues even in very low dosages. That’s why I don’t recommend Mesterolone to women at all.

Make sure that you’re not having allergic reactions to this product too.


In the end, Proviron (Mesterolone) is not a very powerful steroid, but you still need to learn more about it in order to ensure you get the best benefits and the least side effects. Like any other drug out there, it does have some advantages and disadvantages. You need to use it with caution in order to stay away from disadvantages and learn how to use it correctly to get as many advantages from it.

At you can buy the best quality Mesterolone for the cheapest prices. Moreover, we’ll help you determine the best way to administer Proviron for you and your needs.

