Squats – Cardio or Strength Training?

There’s no shame in being confused by this question – are squats cardio or strength training? You may see a lot of gym goers squatting in the weight section, but then you check out the cardio class and they are squatting out as well. Seemingly everyone is doing squats. So, many may be confused about what type of exercise is cardio. Is it within a strength training workout? Or you’re actually doing cardiovascular exercises when you do the almighty squats?

Usually, squats are seen as strength training. That’s because they are a resistance exercise that will build strength and muscle in your lower body. Nonetheless, depending on how exactly you’re doing the squats, they may also have some cardiovascular benefits, therefore, they can be used as cardio exercises too. Having this said, squats can be integrated into both fitness types. Then again, it depends on how exactly you are squatting.

Difference Between Cardio and Strength Training

Before you get to understand whether squats are cardio or strength training, it is first important to understand what cardio is classified as and what strength training is classified as.

Cardiovascular exercises

Cardio is defined as anything that will increase your heart and breathing rate. Having this said, weight lifting also could be somewhat classified as cardio, isn’t it? That’s because strength training will also work and challenge your cardiovascular system. However, weight lifting is not exactly cardio because it won’t challenge your cardiovascular system as much as actual cardio exercises. Doing weight lifting/ strength training you’re trying to build muscle and strength, not really paying attention to endurance and cardiovascular system. However, the goal of cardio is to improve fitness, endurance, and health.

We’re thinking about cardio when thinking about workouts such as HIIT, slow paced cardio such as power walking, cycling, running, swimming, and numerous other types of cardio. When you’re doing other sports such as football, dancing, basketball, boxing, and so on – they are all cardio.

Strength training

If your goal is to build muscle and gain strength, then strength training is what you should be focusing on. Yes, when you are strength training, you challenge your cardiovascular system and increase your breathing rate, but usually far as much as you do when actually performing cardiovascular exercises. Similar to cardio, there are a lot of different types of workouts. There are training types of powerlifting, hypertrophy, endurance, and so on. There are also almost endless types of exercises for strength training.

In short, there are a lot of different types of strength training workouts and different strength training exercises that will allow you to build muscle and gain strength, as you also improve your physique, and your cardiovascular system, burn fat, and so on. Usually, there are a lot of different tools and equipment that help assist your goals and challenge your limits. They include your own body weight, barbells, free weights, dumbbells, weight machines, as well as resistance bands.

So… Are Squats Cardio or Strength Training?

Although you can do squats both when doing cardio exercises and when doing strength training, they mostly seem to come under the strength training category. It is cardio only when you’re doing squats with only your body weight, without any dumbbell or barbell, but even then, it is still mostly a resistance exercise. This is because you use your own weight in order to complete the move, and it can still be challenging. There’s no doubt that it is an actual strength training if you do use some weights (barbell or dumbbell). Especially heavier weights. Nevertheless, when you’re completing squats with your own body weight, you can still reap the cardiovascular benefits from squats. It depends on how you do them (no weight, rest between sets, amount of reps and sets, and so on).

How To Perfect Your Squats?

There are many different types of squats that you can look into trying. Squat variations will help work multiple muscles, and they will definitely help take your good old classic squat to the next level. Moreover, it also works the other way around, to check out the squat variations, we should take the classic squat.

A great starting point is to keep your feet hip-width apart with your toes facing forward. While there are some people who may prefer a slightly wider or narrower stance, a good starting point is the hip-width apart. During the entire movement, you must keep your core engaged. Squat down, pushing your hips back. Your knees must face outwards and your shoulders back, with your chest all upright. Avoid putting stress on your back. As you lower, for the maximum result, you would want to hit a 90-degree angle with your thighs parallel to the ground. Therefore, for those who are just starting out, you may need to get as low as possible. Practicing will get you there.

When you’re at your lowest point, push into your feet and stand up, back at the starting position. Do not round your back in the meantime. As you’re pushing through the feet to stand up, you should try to make this part as powerful as possible. It will help keep your form.

Strength-based Squats

As long as you want to build strength and muscle in your lower body (lower back, legs, thighs, etc, you will need to focus on strength-based squats. Check out some awesome ways to get more from your squats. This is an exercise that will definitely help you pack a lot of strength and muscle.

Add some weight

In order to add weight, you must first make sure that you have a perfect form using your own body weight. Only after having a great technique and mastering the form, you are good to go with adding some weight to your workout. Do it slowly and then work your way up as you improve. Don’t start right away. On the other hand, don’t get stuck. Make sure that you apply progressive overload to your strength training workout.

This means that you need to challenge your body by making your muscles work even harder than they were working in the previous training sessions. This means bodyweight squats, then squats with 20 lbs barbell, then 40 lbs barbell, and so on until you can squat with perfect form. Aim for about 3-4 sets, 6-10 reps.

Add resistance

Using resistance bands in your workout sessions is a great way to improve your squats. They come in different levels, which will allow you to adjust to the one that suits you best. Similar to weights, you will need to go for the one that will challenge you, however, it will not ruin your form. There are different ways to use the resistance bands.

For example, you could wrap the band around your knees. It is the most popular method because it makes it harder to spread your legs, which will force you to pay more attention to your knees. This one will engage more glute muscles. The other is to step on the resistance band (but you’ll need a longer one). Stand on one end with both feet and wrap the other end around your neck. When you squat the band is loose, but it puts resistance when you stand back up.

Cardio-based Squats

Well, as said, squats are usually mostly a strength training type of exercise, nevertheless, you can include squats in your cardio routine and yield a lot of benefits. As said, depending on how exactly you’re doing it, they can make a great option for your cardio. Check below the ways you can squat that will help yield the cardiovascular benefits:

Always do more

Progressive overload your squats by adding more reps and sets. When you’re looking to challenge your cardiovascular system, doing more is almost always better, although you should do it carefully, and without sacrificing your form. This means that you will gain strength and muscle, but you will also yield some hearty rewards, improving endurance and cardio system health. Aim for a higher volume of squats.

Considering that this is about quantity, you do not need to worry about adding weight. You don’t. You’re using your body weight and strive to do as many reps as possible. Even for a beginner, you should be able to do at least 3 sets of 10 reps. With more experience, you could aim for 5 sets of 20 reps. Try to do as many reps as possible in a certain period of time. Regardless, this will surely get your heart pumping.

Add in a jump

Adding in a jump to your squats will most definitely make this a cardio type exercise rather than strength based. With the jump, you will be challenging your cardiovascular system way more and also improve the power through the heels in your extension. Moreover, jumping at the top of the movement will also allow for a seamless transition into the next rep.

Add pulses

Pulse squats are those squats that do not go the full range of motion. Instead of that, when you are at the bottom of the squat, you’re basically pulsing up and down before finishing the rep. You may think that it is not going to have much of an effect, however, by doing it you will realize that it is what will make you feel the burn. It will definitely increase the burn in your lower body, making you work a bit harder, especially when you’re doing it with a lot of reps. Adding pulses is definitely a killer!

Are You Ready For Squats?

So, as I already mentioned, squats are mostly in the strength training category than it is in the cardio section. Nevertheless, squats can still be perfect even if you’re trying to improve your cardiovascular system.

As you have learned in this post, depending on how you execute this move, it can be a real strength training challenge, or it can improve your heart health, making it a real cardio challenge. In short, this is a move that can seriously benefit both your cardiovascular system and your muscles, building strength, and lean muscle! Regardless of how you decide to do your squats, you need to make sure that you have a perfect form which will help prevent injury and gain maximum results.

  • Now that you’ve read this post, I’m pretty sure you are ready to feel the burn and go for the best results in your life. Squats are a perfect movement that can help you get there. However, the wait can be hard, therefore, if you need a bit of help with your gains, then you always have Cycle Gear to help you!

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Jump To Improve Physique and Performance

While you may want to get big, strong, and muscular, you could add a jump to your workout to take your physique and performance to the next level. Power is just as important as building strength, helping to develop a strong, toned, and muscular physique. Adding more power to your workout sessions means that you will be able to lift even more weight, which leads to even more results. And you can significantly boost the power output when you jump.

  • Generally, a lot of people significantly underestimate the benefits of building power. That’s a huge mistake because it is a crucial element when it comes to smashing your workouts, and therefore, reaching your goals even faster.

So, how do you build power? You can easily do that by adding a jump to your workout. Doing so would significantly help build core and leg muscle, build power, and burn a lot of fat. If you start to jump, you will actually experience numerous other benefits. Let’s check what a jump can do to improve your physique and performance, and how to do it right.

How to Do the Box Jump Correctly?

Much like lifting weights, nailing the box jump takes practice and skills and you also need to start off slow. You definitely do not need to jump to the highest right away. Besides the fact that you may not do it correctly, you also risk injury. Start slowly and practice it. Generally, any professional would agree that mastering the box jump is about being agile and light on your feet.

I would recommend asking for professional help in an area near you. A coach or trainer who can check you out doing it will be the best idea as they can help with the form and technique, including reps, sets, variations, and so on. Anyway, let’s check how to do the box jump:

First step: start your takeoff position correctly and strong

You first need to find a box and stand facing it about six inches away. Keep your feet hip-width apart, having your ankles, knees, and hips stacked above one another. The takeoff position should be strong and correct. Start swinging those arms to give you the momentum to jump.

Second step: load the hips and jump

As you keep your feet planted, with your ankles, knees, and hips stacked, ready to do the jump, swing the arms towards your heels and drive your hips back. Swinging is helpful because it loads up your hamstrings and glutes very nicely. As soon as you feel that stretch, you should extend your ankles, knees, and hips as you’re throwing your arms up to jump on the box. This will increase the momentum, providing a more powerful jump.

Third step: land smoothly

The way you land is one of the most important things when it comes to box jumps. Landing will determine the way your legs absorb your own body weight and the force of the jump. This is crucial to stay on top of the game and avoid injuries! You need to ensure you keep your ankles, knees, and hips flexed to take that force. You are basically landing in a squat position and from that position you just stand up smoothly.

Conquer Box Jump Sets and Reps

Box jumps might seem pretty straightforward – you just grab a box and jump onto it, yeah? Well, not actually. There is definitely more in between as long as you want to build that power, avoid injuries, and make sure you stay on top of the game. Similar to lifting weights, you need to start slowly and learn how to do it correctly. Moreover, you need to learn how the box jump can maximize your training session. It depends on what exactly you’re trying to achieve:

  • Technique – relatively low box performing 3-4 sets of 3-5 reps. Rest for about 2 minutes.
  • Endurance – about the same box height or slightly higher with 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds.
  • Power – higher box than you use for endurance with 3-5 sets and 1-3 reps. Rest for 2-3 minutes.

Mistakes to Avoid During Box Jump

Considering that it is a pretty common and straightforward move, many people assume they can nail it without any issues. So they just get into doing box jumps. While you can do it without much preparation, you need to ensure you have the correct form. The correct form during box jumping will help you avoid injuries and get the most out of it. Some common mistakes that many people tend to do are:

Landing too hard

As earlier said, landing is an extremely important part of the box jump. When you land correctly, your body can properly absorb the shock of your body weight, avoiding the risk of injuries and long-term issues such as damaging joint health or others. However, a lot of people are “landing too hard” which means they put the force all on their feet, as an example. As you land, you need to allow your knees to bend generously. It is also crucial to allow your ankles and hips to flex as you’re landing. This way, you avoid your feet from taking all the force, which is a big mistake. As long as you feel a real sudden shock going into your entire body, which starts at your feet, then chances are high you’re landing incorrectly (too hard).

Incorrect box size

Many people assume that the bigger the better. But similar to weight lifting, heavier weights are not always better. The same is true here – bigger is not always better. Even if you can hop onto a huge 40 inch box, it doesn’t mean that you necessarily should. If you train for power you do need to work with a higher box than when you train for endurance, that’s true. However, beginners should train for technique first with shorter boxes. Then, if you do have experience, do not be afraid to increase the box size.

Doing too many sets/reps

You should avoid doing too many box jumps because that can be detrimental. Considering there are no weights involved, it can be tempting to do a lot of box jumps in your workout sessions. However, you should avoid it, otherwise, it can lead to injuries. Moreover, you may not feel it, but you may feel it over time – you are putting your joint health at risk. So, pay attention to your form, and intention (power or endurance) and avoid overdoing it. Keep your volume relatively low. Have no more than about 20 reps per set, and about 60 reps in total at the higher end of your workload! This is the reason why box jumping usually is a part of a workout and not the entire workout.

Different Box Jump Variations

You can add a bit of variety to your workouts when it comes to box jumps. There are different variations that you may check after you master the standard box jump.

Seated box jump

This type is designed to increase the concentric power output. You start from a seated position and then explode into the box jump. It is not as easy as it may seem, that’s why you first need to perfect the standard box jump.

One step box jump

The one step box jump is the next level when it comes to increasing jumping ability. That’s why it is most helpful for people who need to improve their jumping abilities for particular sports. As soon as you master the regular box jump, the next step would be to level up with the box jump abilities with this one step box jump. Taking a step before the jump will help you gain momentum, which helps increase the jump height.

Single leg box jump

This is a variation that you shouldn’t try as a beginner because it requires a lot of balance. But considering that it works so much on your balance, it is an awesome exercise for those who need to improve balance (then again, can be super helpful for those requiring it for sport-specific reasons). You will need to start off small, of course. Considering it is a single leg box jump, start with a very low box. This box jump variation will help increase unilateral strength, power, and balance!

Muscles that work during box jumping

Almost the entire lower part of your body works during box jumping. In fact, even your arms are slightly working during the box jump when you swing them to gain momentum. Overall, the box jump works way more muscle than you may think. While they may not be the best for muscle hypertrophy and strength, they will definitely increase your lower body’s power output. The muscles they work involve:


  • Calves
  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Pelvic muscles
  • Lower back
  • Abdominal muscles

The Benefits of Box Jump

Besides increasing your lower body’s explosiveness and power (which is extremely important for various types of sports, including boxing), there is way more than a box jump can offer. That includes:

Increases rate of force production

You can increase the force production in several different methods such as building strong legs with squats, deadlifts, or other leg exercises. Generally, building stronger legs will help. Box jumps will increase athletic potential, increasing lower body explosiveness which will provide a positive impact on other forms of jumping and other forms of resistance training such as squatting, deadlifting, spriting, running, weightlifting, and so on.

Improves proprioception

Proprioception is the ability to control the body in space without even seeing your limbs. It may sound easy, but it’s actually not. This requires agility, physical awareness, and finesse, all of which you can build with the help of a box jump. The box jump added to your workout will establish better body awareness, balance, and control.

Powerful hip and knee extension

You will work your abs, lower back, pelvis, and hip muscles as you need to get from the floor to the box. Your hips and knees will need to extend forcefully when pushing the body’s mass. They will all significantly improve during the box jump, which will improve their power and strength.

Improve Your Physique and Performance With A Box Jump and With Cycle Gear

So, this is it – a box jump that can improve your physique and performance enhancement. You can always incorporate the box jump into your workout sessions and it will definitely take it all to the next level. As long as you want to level up your power, the box jump can be perfect, especially considering that you can do it both at the gym and even at home (if you have something stable enough).

However, if you’re serious about improving your physique and/or performance, check out Cycle-Gear.to! You can Cycle the Gear and make sure you’ll significantly improve your results. Whether you’re trying to bulk, cut, or break through plateaus – Cycle Gear is for you! We offer the best quality compounds for the best prices on the market. Save money and get big and shredded in no time!


Burn Fat By Building Muscle

You’ve probably heard before that building muscle helps burn fat because muscles burn more calories than fat. If you haven’t, then now you know. This explains why people who have more muscle mass can eat more and still not gain fat, their muscles will burn off the calories they eat at a faster rate than someone weighing the same, but having more fat.

Therefore, while lifting weights may not be the first thing to cross your mind when you think about weight loss, building muscle mass will do more than just make you look huge. It will help you burn calories, therefore burn fat and even lose weight. Although you may not lose weight. Carrying more muscle makes you heavier as one pound of muscle is much smaller than one pound of fat in volume. This means that you may look toned and burn fat while having more muscle and weighing the same as another person who carries significantly more fat.

Anyway, how do building lean muscle and burning fat go hand in hand? Let’s check closer at muscle types and fat types.

Muscle types

Humans have two types of muscle: slow twitch fibers, and fast twitch fibers. You use the slow twitch muscle fibers when it comes to endurance. Such as running long distances, or having low impact workouts such as Zumba.

There are also fast twitch muscle fibers that we use for fast-paced movements such as when sprinting or squat jumps. These are the tires that will tire faster and will require longer recovery time than the slow twitch muscle fibers. The slow twitch ones will also stay near the same size after exercising, as opposed to fast twitch muscle fibers.

That’s why, when you work out in the gym, you work the fast twitch fibers, which provide serious muscle definition. These are the muscles that you focus your efforts on when you want serious muscle mass. Yet, you’ll get the most benefits when you combine both of them.

Fat types

When it comes to fat, there are more types of fat. You may have heard of ‘stubborn’ fat. This is the ‘white fat’ AKA subcutaneous fat. This is the type of fat that easily attaches to your hips, belly, butt, and thighs – the one that is hardest to get rid of, and the one everyone wishes to get rid of. This type of fat is the body’s largest energy reserve. That’s why it is so hard to get rid of. The body is naturally made to keep hold of it so burning it is pretty challenging.

There’s also the ‘visceral’ fat which hides away beneath the white fat around your midsection. This is dangerous fat if it’s too much. But it is also dangerous not to have enough of it. It protects your vital organs such as the liver and intestines, but too much of it will increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer.

There’s also the ‘brown’ fat. It is the ‘good’ type of fat that you would want to have more of. Brown fat is the one that burns calories instead of storing them. When you’re training hard in the gym, it encourages white fat to temporarily turn into another form of fat that will burn calories – beige fat.

How many calories does one pound of muscle burn?

As said, building muscle will burn fat, which basically means that it is the muscle we carry that will burn that fat. So, it is obvious that you may wonder how many calories does muscle burn? In the past, we used to think that 5 pounds of muscle would burn 250 calories a day. Unfortunately, that’s a myth. Instead, one pound of muscle will burn about 6 to 7 calories a day. While it may not seem much, it does add up.

For example, an average person would carry about 50-80 pounds of lean muscle tissue. If you’re a muscular guy, you would likely carry at least 100 pounds of lean muscle and more. This means that instead of burning just 300-500 calories a day, you may burn 600 to 1,000 calories a day! Add up per week and it would be a 2,000-4,000 difference per week. Since one pound of fat is 3,500 calories – you’d burn off about one pound of fat more per week!

Anyway, keep in mind that we can’t say the exact number. Different research uses different ways to check metabolic changes post-exercise. There are also a lot of factors that influence our metabolism. Sex, age, activity level, and fitness level – they all matter. That’s why no one answer fits everyone.

Building Muscle and Burning Fat Relationship

Similar to your phone requiring energy to function, your muscles require energy too. Your car requires energy too, and you provide that energy by pumping gas into it. You provide energy to your phone by charging it. So how do you provide energy to your muscles? You eat! Food is like gas for your car. Your body turns that food into energy.

Our body is using calories every single second. It requires calories for normal bodily functions. Your lungs require calories (energy) to breathe, your heart requires energy to pump blood, and so on. Therefore, we spend calories even when sleeping. Nonetheless, the majority of the energy goes into powering our muscles. While you obviously tend to spend more in the gym when working your muscles, you’re in the gym only one hour a day. But the muscles need energy to walk, keep balance, the heart pumps blood, and so on. That’s why we tend to spend most of our energy on lean muscle when we simply go about our day-to-day business.

Remember I earlier said that white fat is the body’s largest energy reserve? Well, your body takes energy from carbohydrates (quick energy, 4 calories per gram) and from fat (9 calories per gram). The body tends to take energy from carbs when you work your muscles in the gym, as it needs a lot of fuel fast (and carbs provide quick energy). But when you go for general everyday tasks (or slow paced cardio), the body will look for fat reserves. That’s why I said that it is best to combine both types of muscles in your workout regimen.

More About Building Muscle and Burning Fat

Considering that slow-paced cardio burns more fat but intense strength training gains more muscle, you may have a dilemma – should you strength train or do cardio when trying to cut fat? As said, you should do both. Some people leave either one out, but that’s a huge mistake. The combination of both is the best when it comes to achieving amazing results.

When having extra muscle (doing strength training) you will burn extra calories by simply having those extra muscles, you burn calories during the strength training, and you change your metabolism for better. Moreover, there’s the afterburn effect (when the body continues to burn calories post-workout). Your overall health and fitness will benefit from strength training. But slow-paced cardio will further improve your results, encouraging fat burning.

In the end, not too many people think about building muscle (strength training) when it comes to burning fat and weight loss. Most think that cardio is enough. However, research suggests that keeping hold of muscle mass and gaining lean tissue as we age will help us a lot to stay away from gaining excess weight. Strength training will also help:

  • Develop a great body composition, keeping your healthy and giving your body shape
  • Burn extra calories due to larger lean muscle tissues
  • Provide an afterburn effect even after your strength training
  • Improve your coordination and balance
  • At preventing lean muscle mass loss
  • Keep the bones and connective tissues strong

How to Burn Fat by Building Muscle?

Now, the million bucks question – how to lose fat and tone muscle?

You’ve probably heard about the “fat-burning zone” by now. Well, this zone is real and you need to work into it to burn fat. It will also help gain muscle. You should think of this zone as the level of intensity at which you’re exercising. That’s about 50 to 65% of your maximum heart rate.

This is the zone that sits just below the point where your body tends to switch to burning carbs instead of fat. Your aim is to burn fat, not carbs, that’s why you shouldn’t aim for maximum heart rate exercises. You won’t be able to do them for too long anyway. Instead, you aim to burn more calories, which you do when exercising for longer. The more calories you burn during your workout, the more your body will be forced to burn fat and aid muscle recovery.

So, how do you burn fat and build lean muscle while maximizing your results? There are various lifestyle changes that you must implement in your regimen if you want to build muscle and burn fat fast. I am going to share a few of them.

Exercise earlier

Research suggests that morning exercise will help burn up to 20% more body fat! So as long as you really want to say goodbye to those love handles, you better start waking up early and exercising earlier. The secret here is that your body’s internal processes are “working” better in the morning. Moreover, eating breakfast after your workout will encourage your body to burn fat, as it has less glycogen (energy) from carbs to eat through.

Get more rest

By getting more rest I am definitely not saying that you should scroll through social media at the gym (pro tip: don’t, especially when blocking equipment). What I’m trying to say is that you need to get a decent amount of sleep every single day. You should aim for at least 7 hours of high-quality sleep every day. If you’re often resistance training, your muscles need even more rest with some requiring to sleep as much as 10 hours a day. If you run on poor sleep, your body’s levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) increase. This is the hormone that ruins your efforts in the gym and makes your body keep holding onto fat stores more, making it harder to burn fat. It is also during sleep that your body secretes most anabolic hormones that help you gain muscle such as Testosterone and HGH.

Follow the 1:3 rule

This is a relatively simple rule that can help you a lot. This rule involves – workout for one hour, three times a week, that’s very simple. If you can exercise even more that’s great, but make sure you’re not overtraining. Instead, you can work out 3-4 times a week and be active by taking longer walks. Stick to your workout schedule and ensure you keep on pushing. Also, do it hard and consistently. Throw yourself into a beast mode three times a week rather than barely working out five times a week.

Work harder

If you’re searching for ways to burn fat and build muscle then your best bet is to lift weights and then do bodyweight exercises to the point you can barely make it back home. You may have heard about lifting to failure. That’s not a myth, it actually does work. Working to failure will provide your muscle fibers with something they need to keep on growing. That’s when they actually start growing.

Get enough rest

Yeah, you would want to go hard at the gym and maximize fat burning and the amount of muscle you build. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that you also need time to recover too. Your muscles need to recover, your nervous system, your mind, and so on. You need to switch up workouts that challenge different muscle groups on different days to provide enough recovery. The recovery is essential for the muscles to build stronger. It is actually during recovery when ‘magic’ happens and we gain muscle.

Go for the correct diet

Should I even say it? As long as you want to burn fat and build muscle, you will need the correct diet. Pay attention to what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat. For example, being smart about your post-exercise snack means a lot. If you would have a combo of high quality protein and complex carbs within a 2 hour window post workout you would significantly aid muscle growth. The carbs help replenish glycogen stores while the amino acids in the protein will aid muscle repair.

Cycle Gear to Burn Fat by Building Muscle

The problem with burning fat by building muscle is that you need to eat in a calorie surplus to build muscle, which can gain some fat along the way, yet you need to eat in a calorie deficit to burn fat, which can make you lose some lean muscle tissue along the way. Due to this, it can be pretty hard to keep your muscles while you try to shed fat.

However, you can make it all much easier if you Cycle Gear. At Cycle-Gear.to you can buy the best quality cutting products for sale. We work with the best manufacturers ensuring you save money and get the best quality. You can get products that cut through fat fast and protect your lean muscle mass. They will help reduce fatigue and lean muscle tissue loss.


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The Best Bulking Foods

Everyone knows that in order to bulk up, you need to eat bulking foods. Anyone who wants to pack on muscle mass and bulk up should lift heavy and eat in surplus. If you’re trying to bulk up, then you must ensure that you’re fueling those grueling gym sessions with the best bulking foods. This is what would make the difference. The best bulking foods won’t only provide you with the energy and strength you need to lift heavier, bringing results, but they will also help recover post-workout, bringing even more results.

In short, bulking is not only about eating in surplus, what you’re going to eat will make the difference. That’s because it is not only about the calories (you need to eat in a calorie surplus to gain weight) but also the micro and macronutrients. The micro and macronutrients you get from the calories will make a difference in terms of whether the weight you gain is in the form of fat or lean muscle. Those calories will also help you increase strength and endurance, which will definitely lead to better and faster results.

So, if you’re unsure what the best bulking foods are, you can check out our top list below. These are some of the best bulking foods which means they will definitely help achieve your bulking goals.

How many calories do you need for bulking?

When you want to build muscle mass and bulk up, you will need to have a daily calorie surplus of about 250-500 kcal. How can you achieve that surplus? Eating a lot of high-calorie foods. However, you will need the right nutrients which will help you bulk up efficiency.

So, as said, when you want to bulk up, you also need to keep the right macronutrient balance. Keep in mind that different macros contain different amounts of calories. For example, protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram, whereas fats have 9 kcals per gram.

How much fat do you need for bulking?

There is a lot of fear around fats, however, there’s nothing to fear about them. At least, as long as you consume healthy fats. A diet rich in healthy fats is actually an excellent way to make sure that you are reaching your daily calorie goals, keep you healthy, and bulk up. Healthy fats are actually essential. According to research, healthy fats such as Omega-3s will help increase muscle protein synthesis. That’s basically the process of building muscle. Fats will help keep steady energy levels and will aid the recovery process after training sessions. Not only that, but fats are also crucial when it comes to storing fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

  • You should make sure that about 30-35% of your daily calories come from healthy fats!

How much protein do you need for bulking?

I assume that by now everyone knows that protein is essential in our diets. But it is even more important for someone who is trying to build muscle mass. After all, protein synthesis is the process that builds muscle. Protein is the building block of muscles. Our muscles are about 80% made of protein. Not only that but protein will play a huge impact on numerous other processes in the body. In short, you’ll need a lot of protein. Protein has the highest impact on feeling full, so whenever you struggle to get your calories in, aim to get about 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight a day.

  • You should make sure that about 20-40% of your daily calories come from protein!

How much carbs do you need for bulking?

Carbohydrates are the third vital macronutrient. They are highly effective at fueling those hard training sessions. The body primarily looks for carbs when it comes to lifting heavy. Moreover, carbs also help muscle recovery. However, there are also different types of carbs. Complex carbs usually have more fibers as well as a lower GI. Most complex carbs are considered a healthier option, however, you can still have simple carbs (high GI) when you are trying to bulk up. However, you should be controlling your portion. The easily digested high-GI carbs are perfect among those who struggle to eat enough food to build up a calorie surplus. They will also help recover quicker as they replenish the glycogen stores at a faster rate, plus they will allow for a higher intensity during workouts.

  • You should make sure that about 40-55% of your daily calories come from carbohydrates!

List of Best Bulking Foods

When it comes to bulking up, a lot of people tend to fill up on the wrong foods. You should avoid making this mistake if you want to gain lean muscle and strength instead of fat and sluggishness. Ensure you eat in a calorie surplus with the right macros balance by eating healthy and proper foods in the right amount that will also offer the necessary micronutrients.

Check below the best bulking foods.


Dairy is something that you would avoid when you’re cutting, but it can be perfect when bulking. For example, whole milk will offer a lot of protein, and calcium, with extra fat and calories to your diet. Whole milk, cottage cheese, and numerous other dairy foods will maximize your muscle building potential. Have whole milk in your post-workout protein shake and a pot of cottage cheese before bed and you’ll surely see muscle growing!

Nuts and nut butters

Nuts and nut butters are full of healthy monounsaturated fats and they are super energy-dense. They will provide a lot of calories in very small quantities. Besides, they are packed with healthy nutrients such as magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and others – they are important to stay healthy and to continue building muscle mass. For all these results, nuts and nut butters are perfect bulking foods.

Fatty fishes

Considering we’re talking about healthy fats, we just can’t neglect fatty fish. Salmon and other oily fish must be in your bulking diet. In fact, it is important to be in your cutting diet too. When you’re trying hard trying to build muscle, you need to consume about 2-3 servings of oily fish per week. They are packed with healthy fats such as Omega-3s, vitamin D, as well as protein – all crucial for muscle building.


Dairy, nuts, and fatty fish have one thing in common – they provide healthy fats. If you’d research healthy fats, avocado would be across the first to come. Avocados have monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid. They are perfect for adding healthy calories and fat to your diet. Not only that but if you’d add a lot of avocado to your diet, you’d add antioxidants and vitamins!

Whole eggs

Egg yolks have a bad reputation due to cholesterol and high fat content. If you’re trying to cut calories, throwing away egg yolks may not seem like a bad idea. However, for bulking, you shouldn’t do it, because you do need that fat and calorie content. As in terms of cholesterol – a lot of recent studies indicate that they will not negatively affect your healthy cholesterol as long as you have a healthy diet. Generally, whole eggs are perfect sources of fat and protein. Each egg will provide 75-100 calories. They are healthy and highly effective.

Lean beef

When it comes to protein, everyone knows that animal protein sources are the best as they have the easiest to absorb protein and they are highest in protein content. Lean beef is a perfect example of vitamin B and protein sources. Lean red meat is definitely among the perfect bulking foods for a lot of reasons. While you need to limit your intake of red meat, you shouldn’t restrict it completely. Lean beef will be a perfect source of fat, protein, heme iron, and numerous other elements that are crucial for bulking up, and building muscle when you’re working out hard.


Chicken, turkey, and other white meat sources are excellent protein sources. As said you need a lot of protein in your bulking diet to see yourself grow, and poultry is a perfect way to get in that protein. For example, chicken breast will provide an outstanding 32 grams of protein per 100g!

Coconut and olive oil

Coconut and olive oils are perfect additions when you want to add extra calories and healthy fats to your diet. They will not leave you too full, yet they will offer lots of calories and fats packed with essential micronutrients. Can be great for seasoning or cooking.

Sweet potato

Keep in mind that about half of the calories you’re eating a day should come from carbohydrates. This means that you’ll need a lot of carbs in your diet. Sweet potatoes are a perfect example of bulking foods you need in your diet as they provide a lot of carbs and a lot of vitamins and minerals. Not only that but if you’re following a clean bulk without refined sugar (that’s the bulking cycle type I would recommend), then sweet potatoes may also help satisfy your sweet cravings.


Another perfect source of complex carbs is oats. They are going to be perfect to offer that carbohydrate boost during the bulking season, helping you lift heavy in the gym, recover faster, and provide you with stable energy levels. They are also a perfect source of fiber and complex carbs that will aid digestion and offer a stable release of energy. Perfect breakfast or pre-workout meal!


Pasta is a high GI (simple) carb, however, it will provide 350 kcal and 70 grams of carbs per 100g (dried weight). This makes it a perfect post-workout meal, allowing you to quickly recover and provide you fuel for the next grueling session. Pasta is a perfect way to boost your calorie surplus and bulk up when you struggle to eat, getting in more calories.


Chicken and rice anyone? White rice is also a high GI carb, and it has a lower fiber content, which means that you can eat more of it, without feeling too full. The reason why bodybuilders eat chicken and rice is that chicken will add calories and lots of protein while making you sated, while rice will add a lot of calories and carbohydrates. May also add rice to salads and other main meals to boost your calories and carbs, ensuring it provides enough fuel for your training sessions.

Dark chocolate

You should avoid sugar even if you’re bulking, but this can lead to sugar cravings. Well, dark chocolate can be a perfect bulking food that can also satisfy your sugar cravings. Chocolate with over 75% is full of antioxidants and monounsaturated fats.

Best Bulking Foods From Cycle Gear

So this is it, the list of best foods for bulking. It is quite obvious that there are numerous other foods that you can and should eat when you’re bulking. Nonetheless, there are others that you should avoid such as alcohol, unhealthy fat sources, high sugary foods and drinks, as well as processed foodstuffs. Instead, go for the foods that you can find in this list and you’re making sure that you do not miss out on the serious muscle mass gains.

It is very important to remember that you should hit your macro and micronutrient goals as you’re attempting to eat a 250-500 calorie surplus per day. This is the way to reap the benefits of those intense sessions in the gym. Micro and macro elements will ensure you increase strength and endurance during the workout, as well as boost recovery post-workout.

You should know by now that your diet is essential as a bodybuilder. Whenever you’re trying to bulk, you should ensure you eat right and train hard and regularly. Nonetheless, we often need a bit of support when it comes to making serious gains and enhancing performance in the gym. You can increase your Testosterone levels and that will help you extremely much when it comes to bodybuilding.

You still need to eat right and train hard, but you can also add Cycle Gear to your regimen and you’ll achieve all of that. At Cycle-Gear.to you get the best quality gear for your cycle which will support your bulking, cutting, or body recomposition goals. We offer the best quality products for the lowest prices so you can also save money. They are the best compounds when it comes to building lean muscle fast and efficiently.


Upper Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Regardless if you’re working out in the gym, at home, or anywhere else, if you want to grow an amazing upper body, there’s one move that will come up again and again. Everyone who’s in the fitness industry does this movement for their upper body workout for an awesome physique. We’re talking about the press-up. Nobody asks any questions in terms of its credibility or wonders why it is so helpful. Everyone knows that it is just a perfect movement for the upper body workout.

The press-up and all its variations are perfect as one of the greatest moves of all time among people in fitness circles such as bodybuilders and athletes. It is a very popular exercise starting from children up to military personnel. Everyone does it as it is an upper-body blaster that is sure to have you build some serious mass. Another great thing about it is that you don’t need a lot of time – just five minutes can be enough.

It will work perfectly as a warm-up before the real thing workout or you could add it into your workout as a part of your exercises. So, you can hit it several times per workout if you really want to add inches to your chest, becoming bigger and stronger.

Here comes the great part about this upper body workout

We’re going to share a 5-minute workout you can do anywhere, that will absolutely help grow your upper body as it works your chest, shoulders, arms, and core.

All you need to do to smash through this upper body workout is to set a timer for five minutes and perform as many rounds as you can. Rest as you can and keep on smashing those reps, as many as you can. Try to keep a proper form to maximize the chest pump. If you want to take it to the next level, you can have 2-3 rounds of this 5-minute workout (of course, with long enough rests in between these “sets”).

So, let’s check what this upper body blaster can offer, including different types of press-ups.

Typewriter press up

You start the typewriter press up in the typical press-up position, however, you have slightly wider hand placement. From there, get your weight down towards one side and then bend at the elbow to lower your chest down towards your hand. As you’re keeping your chest close to the ground, shift your weight over the opposite side. As you do, you’re strengthening one arm and bending the other. You basically move laterally back and forth, repeating this motion.

Hindu press up

As you’re staying in the typewriter stance, push your hips upwards in order to create the inverted “V” shape. As you’re bending at your elbows, lower your nose to the ground between your hands. From here, shift your weight forward and push the ground away from you until your hips are on the ground and your torso is upright. Drive the hips back to reverse the movement. Repeat it.

Press up

When you complete the Hindu press-up, you can go for the regular press-up. I guess you know how to do it, but there are still a lot of people who do it wrong. Get yourself into the plank position with your core engaged and hands beneath your shoulders. Next, bend your elbows to lower your chest to the floor, as you keep your elbows closer to your body. Get back to the starting position as you push yourself upwards and keep the elbows close to the body.

Upper Body Workout Conclusion

In the end, there are just three press-up exercise variations that will make your chest and shoulder burn in just 5 minutes. Follow this upper body workout that you can do anywhere and you’ll make sure to build muscle and strength in no time. You won’t only reap the benefits of a larger chest, but the press-ups will also offer other benefits too. You would manage to burn calories, improve balance and posture, enhance flexibility, and help strengthen your shoulders and lower back, making them less prone to injury. Additionally, do not need any equipment and you only need just 5 minutes of your time. May have 2-3 sets if you’re a next-level athlete or want to get it to the next level.

Get an even bigger and stronger upper body

So, you have got a new workout plan and it may help you yield a lot of gains. Nonetheless, you may find that even those 5 minutes can be too harsh. Moreover, you may want to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to grow the biggest muscle as fast as you can while getting stronger and stronger.

That’s where Cycle Gear comes in. You can have your upper body workout before starting to cycle the gear from us and count your reps. Then you can get the best quality products from Cycle-Gear.to (for the best prices on the market) and do the exact same upper body workout again and count the reps. You’re going to see that you’re improving your performance a LOT! Besides getting stronger and improving performance, endurance, stamina, and recovery, you would notice you’re growing bigger and bigger muscles.

In the end, regardless of whether your goal is to build muscle, get shredded, cut fat, or all combined, Cycle Gear has you covered. All of our products are 100% real and the highest quality on the market. You can get them for sale for the lowest prices while ensuring you get the best quality products. If you’re worried about the side effects, be sure that if you use them correctly (and since you use the best quality steroids and other PEDs), you’ll get no side effects while getting some serious gains. Cycle-Gear.to is here to help you achieve your goals in the fastest and safest possible ways, providing the best quality products for the best prices as well as free cycle advice, in case you’re unsure how to Cycle your Gear.


Dry Fasting

There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about dry fasting and that’s why a lot of people either don’t know how to do it correctly or avoid it altogether. For example, there’s a misconception that dry fasting will result in muscle loss. In fact, almost any form of diet will get a bad reputation for muscle loss. While this is not true, it is also important to understand that dieting and fasting are not the same things.

Now, we’re going to share how dry fasting can be considerably muscle-friendly, and in fact, may actually help achieve your goals. In this article, we’re going to talk about dry fasting, whether it can cause us to lose that hard earned muscle, its benefits, and side effects.

For example, it is important to realize that muscle loss during dry fasting is very minimal. The body is mostly searching to use fat stores for fuel instead. Besides that, dry fasting is also going to increase HGH (Human Growth Hormone) secretion. With more HGH levels, you are further increasing and preserving muscle mass.

  • PS: You can quickly boost your HGH levels with the help of the best HGH products for sale from Cycle-Gear.to.

How Does Dry Fasting Preserve Muscle Mass?

Most people think that being deprived of nutrition, our body starts breaking down muscle into glycogen to use it as energy. While this is true in some cases, that’s wrong in regards to dry fasting. With any type of fasting, your metabolism is going to switch modes and will start using the fat stores to get the energy it needs. One study regarding starvation proves it.

Another study regarding 70 days alternate day fasting proves that the participants lost a substantial amount of fat, but their muscle mass dropped by just 0.1 kg (from 52 kg to 51.9 kg). Considering the amount of fat they lost, that’s nothing.

Other studies regarding water fasting prove that the body doesn’t even start to eat into the muscle after a 30-day period. Although protein synthesis did decline over time, it didn’t drop to 0. When you are fasting, the body switches from glucose metabolism to fat metabolism.

Dry Fasting vs Water Fasting: Comparison

The results suggest that with dry fasting, you can achieve the same results through metabolic changes in a third of the time. This means that the results you can see from a 30-day water fast, you can achieve in a 10 day with dry fasting.

When you are fasting, the body is preparing to shut down to preserve energy. That’s exactly what happens during calorie restriction diets. Your body is also going to create hormonal shifts during fasting. This is why your body’s metabolism increases, shocking the “fight” or “survival” mode of the body. This was proven by a study in which, after 4 days of fasting, the body was able to use 10% more energy than when started.

This makes sense even if you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint. Cavemen were going days at a time without food. If their bodies continued to shut down, humanity would have never lived through winter. Instead, they were preserving energy to… fight off mammoths, eat and live.

As said, one of the hormones that will get a boost is the Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This is one of the most muscle-friendly hormones, which is obvious from its name alone. HGH is the “fountain of youth” increasing energy levels, improving your skin and hair conditions, making you stronger, and more alert, improving cognitive function, and improving sleep quality. HGH also preserves muscle mass. In short, the more HGH, the more likely you are to preserve and build muscle!

One study provides that one day of water fasting can boost HGH secretion by 2-3 times! With dry fasting, HGH secretion would be even higher! Our bodies are doing it in order to prevent muscle loss. We also need HGH to grow muscle, but we also need nutritional values to rebuild and grow muscle!



This explains why refeeding is so helpful. A lot of athletes and bodybuilders have discovered that when done right, you can increase muscle mass when implementing any type of fasting into your routine. You’re basically fasting to increase HGH levels, then you’re refeeding (providing your body with the nutrients it needs to grow muscle).

Studies indicate that having a calorie deficit of 30-35% per day 5 days a week, then refeeding (0% calorie deficit – calorie maintenance) 2 days per week (with a total calorie deficit of 25% per week), you manage to lose a lot of fat and preserve most of your lean muscle.

Working Out During Dry Fast – Will I Burn Muscle?

Indeed, you may burn your muscles if you’re working out hard and dry fasting. That’s because when you work out, you’re basically causing micro tears in muscles and then you do not feed with what they need to grow.

So, the general rule here is to have light workouts only if you’re going to exercise. During a dry fast, you should only have walking, yoga, light resistance training, etc. These are fine because muscle loss from these types of exercises would be minimal.

However, if you were to do a lot of HIIT or heavy weight training during a dry fast, then you’re going to use all of your energy too quickly, and that energy doesn’t come from fat to perform the HIIT or strength training.

When your body needs a sudden burst of energy, the body relies on muscular tissue for that fuel. Then again, that’s true from an evolutionary standpoint. Cavemen would go days without food and their bodies were taking energy from fat. When they were about to fight a wooly mammoth, their bodies were using muscles, which then they quickly replenished stores from eating. This process is known as gluconeogenesis (where muscles break down into protein and then into glucose to use as fuel).

Will you burn muscle by limiting food intake?

Well, it depends. The answer could be yes or it could be no.

If you were to completely limit your food intake, then yes, you would burn muscle. This is not the same as partial or minimal food limitation. Dieting and fasting are not the same thing. You can lose muscle mass very quickly when you are not dieting right, despite the fact that you’re eating.

Diets that will reduce your calories to 50-70% of your daily intake will not lead to the same metabolic results that you would achieve during fasting. This basically means that you do not get the same metabolic or hormonal benefits to prevent muscle loss. This explains why people who reduce their calories by that much tend to regain all the weight back soon after stopping their diet.

What Affects Muscle Loss During a Dry Fast?


The length of a dry fast is going to have an impact on how well your body preserves the muscle. When HGH levels are secreted during the dry fast, the hormone will protect the muscles. At the same time, remember that there is no glucose or insulin to help synthesize protein which helps build muscle.

This is the reason why most of the muscle that you can regain is at the refeeding stage. If the HGH levels are still high and you eat (correctly, as it depends on what you eat), then the body receives all the nutrients it needs to build muscle mass. It has the glucose, insulin, protein, and amino acids to continue growing muscle.

This is the reason why you’d see the best results by dry fasting in short periods at regular intervals. For example, the most beneficial method of muscle preservation and even muscle growth is when you’re going for intermittent dry fasting for 12-24 hours. Here are popular dry fasting periods (methods) that seem to work very well for a lot of people:

14-16 hours per day, 18 hours three times a week, and 24 hours twice a week.

Body type

The duration dictates whether your body will start to burn muscles for energy, but it is also your body type. We’re all built differently, with different body types and different responses to food, fasting, and so on. The body type will affect the rate you burn muscle too. For example, someone who is overweight with excess fat is going to be more likely to burn more fat than muscle. Simple because there is a large reserve. The human body is smart enough to use fat instead of protein. Protein is the functional tissue that will provide us with energy and strength in moments when we really need it (like fighting mammoths), but fat is simply energy storage.

Dry Fasting Conclusion

Based on all that information and all those studies, it definitely seems that dry fasting can be highly effective for your body’s goals. At least, when done correctly. It is obvious that the results will vary because there are a lot of variables to consider such as the body type, duration, type of fasting, dieting, your everyday activities, and so on.

Nonetheless, dry fast can be highly effective at burning a lot of fat and still keep those gains. A lot of studies prove that.

In the end, we do know that dry fasting can be a bit too much, too confusing, or even too drastic. Especially for beginners. That’s why we’re here for you at Cycle Gear.

You can get the gear for the most successful cycle of your life. We provide 100% real and best quality anabolic steroids, cutting compounds, fat burning, and weight loss products, as well as HGH to boost those levels and other PEDs. Moreover, at Cycle-Gear.to you can get them all for the best prices on the market. All these compounds are highly effective in helping you get shredded, bulk up, and get stronger.

Get what you need today from Cycle-Gear.to and you will save money while ensuring you stay safe (as long as you follow our recommendation in cycle advice) and get huge gains while burning that fat off.



Fat Loss Food Swaps To Cut Calories & Burn Fat

When you aim to burn fat and lose weight, you must calories, and here are some fat loss food swaps that will help you with that. You may spend hours and hours in the gym, but as long as your diet is not right, you will struggle to see the results you want. This is the reason why there are people all over the world who are training hard and regularly 3-4 times a week, yet their belly fat doesn’t seem to disappear. Weight loss is about eating fewer calories than your body burns. And while you burn about 500 to 1,000 calories in one hour of running (depending on your body weight and the speed you run at), you can eat those calories in a matter of a few minutes, and significantly more than that.

On the other hand, if you have a perfect diet, you’re going to see huge rewards in a pretty short span of time. This explains why some people cannot see huge results after years in the gym, while others reap a lot of benefits within a couple of months. It’s all about what they eat. This means that you could get a lot of benefits with some simple food swaps for fat loss.

These food swaps will ensure you enjoy your diet while cutting a lot of calories, which helps you stay in deficit, and, ultimately, burn fat.

What you should learn is how to take your typical snacks and meals and find healthy food alternatives for them to support your weight loss and fat burning journey. As long as you do it right and go for the right food swamps, you can still retain the enjoyment of your diet but cut a lot of calories, fat, and sugar intake.

Benefits of Food Swaps For Weight Loss

Smart food swaps help reduce the number of calories that you’re consuming on a daily basis. It mostly focuses on removing those calories that come from sugar and fat – the ones that are most likely going to ruin your physique and add to belly fat.

You should know that 3,500 calories are equivalent to one pound of fat. This means that if you manage to reduce the weekly calories by 3,500 (500 per day), you will be able to lose one pound of fat per week. This is not an exact science, because we’re all different, with different habits, dieting preferences, and workout schedules, and our bodies are built differently.

Still, this gives you a better and clearer idea of how you can burn fat. It could also make you understand that extra vigilance in your diet will likely lead to huge rewards. That’s because cutting calories little by little will lead to huge results in the long term. Losing just one pound per week will make you absolutely shredded in half a year, as you can trim your waistline efficiently. Moreover, these smart food swaps will still help you enjoy different flavors.

Before I continue, I must mention: make sure that you drink a LOT of water. Lots of people tend to eat when they actually want to drink. Studies prove that people who drink enough water tend to eat less (saving you calories). Besides, make sure you eat slowly. Research indicates that when you eat slowly, you tend to eat less. Lastly, go to sleep. Sleep deprivation increases hunger and your likelihood to open up the fridge at night. Feeling tired? Feeling hungry? Better go to sleep!

Food Swaps To Burn Fat and Lose Weight

Change sandwiches for open sandwiches

Most calories in sandwiches come from bread. That’s why you usually try to reduce bread consumption during cutting and weight loss cycles. Sandwiches are usually made from two pieces of bread, but if you remove one of them, you’ll likely save 120 calories. Moreover, you do not really need that top piece of bread anyway. An open sandwich is just as (or even more) tasty!

Swap cheese for seasoning on your eggs

Either you scramble your eggs or fry them, adding some cheese makes them super delicious. That’s why many of us tend to add cheese to eggs. However, only a bit of cheese will likely add a lot of fat and/or calories. That’s why, avoid the cheese and substitute it with a bit of chili, chives, or hot sauce. You still manage to maximize the flavor, yet you cut 100 calories from one portion.

Change sour cream for Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is a staple of any diet. Trying to gain muscle? Greek yogurt. Trying to burn fat? Great, Greek yogurt. There are good reasons why Greek yogurt is so helpful. Lots of protein, low in fat and calories, aids the digestive system, and so on. Switch sour cream for Greek yogurt, and you’re going to save 30 calories per sitting. May not sound much, but it does add up.

Swap mayo for mustard

You can easily save 90 calories per serving if you simply swap the classic mayonnaise for a spicy French mustard. We all know that mayo is full of calories and, usually, lots of fat. Even a small amount of it will add calories. On the other hand, mustard contains almost no calories. I do understand that not everyone may love mustard, but give it a try a couple of times, and there’s a high chance you’ll love it. Initially, I didn’t love it myself, but now I can’t imagine life without mustard. Even if you can’t go for it, at least stop the mayo, we all know how bad it is. Generally, you can be shocked at how simply changing the condiments that you use on a regular basis will help with your weight management.

Switch to a healthier ice cream

Ice cream is not really a good idea in a cutting cycle when you aim to burn fat and lose weight. But sometimes, we can’t resist the temptation. I guess it. But what do we usually do when we want ice cream? We just go to the grocery store and go for the popular brands (Ben & Jerry’s, eh?). Instead, go for a low fat or low sugar ice cream! You would save up to 200 calories from your diet, very simple. And yes, you still enjoy a tasty ice cream!

Swap olive oil to olive oil spray

When you’re using oil in your salads or cooking pan whenever you cook (hope you’re using olive oil), you’re pouring a lot of it, which adds a lot of fat and calories without you even realizing it. Instead, try an olive oil spray. It goes well on both salads and especially on the pan. It will spread far more evenly and finely. Make sure you do not spray too much, of course, but you could save about 100 calories per cooking session when it comes to olive oil vs olive oil spray.

Change flour tortillas with corn tortillas

It is hard to find someone who says they do not love tacos. If you don’t – you’re lucky, you’ve just saved yourself a lot of calories. But if you’re anything like me, you absolutely love them. However, eating a stack of them usually comes with that guilt as tacos are adding up calories. However, you could save calories and still enjoy them. You’re going to save about 200 calories by changing two flour tortillas for two corn tortillas!

Switch brie for goat’s cheese

I know that goat’s cheese may not sound as glamorous as brie. But do you want to look great or eat glamorous? Goat’s cheese is still very tasty, and you can add it to almost anything. The most important part – one ounce of goat’s cheese provides about 30 fewer calories than brie does.

Swap fried eggs for poached eggs

I know that cracking an egg into the pan in the morning when you’re feeling groggy is faster and easier. Poached eggs can be trickier, but it is worth it. Not only that, but they are just as tasty, and help you save a lot of calories due to the olive oil or butter that you use in frying. It is worth the extra effort to poach your eggs instead of frying them because just two poached eggs will offer on average 100 fewer calories. You’ll save 700 calories a week if you’re eating eggs every morning!

Swap coffee with milk for black coffee

Whether you’re drinking a latte, cappuccino, flat white, or whatever else with milk – you’re adding calories even when you drink coffee. Regardless if you add regular milk, coconut milk, or whichever other – milk or cream in your coffee adds calories. Go for black coffee (sugarless, of course) and you’re going to save up to 100 calories per drink! Having 3 coffees a day? You’ve saved up to 300 calories that day. And you’ve saved money too.

Choose veggie noodles

As long as you invest in a spiralizer, you can make spaghetti out of anything. You could go for zucchini, squash, or anything else. Normal spaghetti does contain a lot of calories. But you can have veggie noodles which are still tasty, and save a lot of calories. One cup of zucchini noodles will contain 180 fewer calories than standard spaghetti.

Swap burger buns for lettuce

A burger is about succulent beef in combination with sauces and tomato or other veggies with bread on two sides. However, you may swap the bread bun for a humble lettuce leaf and you’re going to save yourself 130 calories. If you’re absolutely in love with that bread, at least go for an “open” burger. Similar to sandwiches, opt for a “cabrio” burger by ditching the top bread part.

Switch out potato chips for veggies

Now this is one of the best recommendations I ever got. There were times when we were watching TV, over a football match, or sitting in a park and I couldn’t enjoy the crunchy time, because, as you know, potato chips do nothing good for your belly fat. Chips and dips are full of calories. Well, you can get all the crunch without the calories, saving about 100 calories per serving by switching the oily and unhealthy chips to carrot sticks and sliced bell peppers. Less calories, more nutrients!

Opt for red sauces

While it may seem like a minor calorie saving, as said, it does add up in the long run. Using half a cup of tomato-based sauce over a creamy one, you could cut 20 calories each time. Yeah, that’s not much. But now imagine the amount of calories you’ve saved per year!

Eat pizza correctly

Pizza is not a very good idea at all when it comes to fat-burning and weight-loss cycles. Try to avoid pizza in your cutting cycles altogether. Pizzas are generally very fatty and calorific. But when you can’t resist the temptation anymore, at latest, go for healthier options. First off, opt for pizza with chicken breast over pepperoni, for example. Second, go for thin-crust pizza. Avoid loaded crusts altogether. Lastly, use a paper towel to remove any excess oils (fats) from it. You could save a lot of calories (up to 400 calories) per pizza! Isn’t it great? Enjoying pizza while saving so many calories!

Food Swaps To Cut Calories The Smart Way

As long as you’re going to make all of these healthy food swaps at least once a week, you’re going to save a massive amount of calories, up to 2,000 calories per week! If you think about it, you save a lot of calories while you still go for pizza, tacos, and ice cream. Avoid them (remember you’re in a cutting cycle aiming to burn fat) and you’re going to save a LOT!

Moreover, remember to throw in a regular and intense exercise regime, and with these food swaps for weight loss, you’re going to get a lot of results really fast.

Cycle-Gear.to is here to help even more. We have fat-burning and weight-loss compounds that will significantly help your cutting journey. We offer the best anabolic steroids for sale, cutting steroids that boost calorie expenditure and help protect lean muscle mass. At Cycle-Gear.to you could save money and get the best quality compounds, alongside individual and personalized cycle advice so you could use them safely and efficiently.


Bodybuilder Habits

The bodybuilder habits are what separates people who achieve results in the gym and those who do not. Everyone working out in the gym dreams about achieving their dream physique, but only a few are actually achieving their goals. That’s because while you’re only a fraction of the time in the gym, what you’re doing the rest of the day is just as important. Therefore, what you’re doing both in and out of the gym is just as important to achieve your dream physique. That’s why, before you blame the lack of results in the gym on genetics or something else, consider your habits!

Achieving success when it comes to physique and performance enhancement is about getting into a routine. It takes a lot of self-discipline because becoming a successful bodybuilder requires a lot of time. Sadly, gains will not come overnight. In fact, you may not see huge results even after a month! The entire process of building muscle and burning fat takes a lot of hard work and dedication. However, without proper tools (and knowledge), this entire process takes even longer or becomes impossible altogether.

You must know what you’re doing and what it takes to become a successful bodybuilder. So, you could follow the bodybuilder habits, the habits that are proven to work and get you to the results you’re dreaming of. After all, you may notice that there are common patterns in the successful bodybuilder’s day-to-day lives. Those are patterns that are highly unlikely you’ll find in the habits of people who achieve no results. As said, that’s what makes some people successful, while others are not.

Generally, there are certain things that these people are doing every single day. That’s what makes them become the best.

What Are The Bodybuilder Habits?

For some people this is a job, for others, it is a hobby. The thing is – you should start these bodybuilder habits as long as you want to achieve success. We are working every day, don’t we? Well, if you want to see the gains you want, you will need to ensure that you’re doing it all right. Treat this passion for fitness as a job, as something mandatory if you want success.

In the end, going in with the right approach, and knowing how to structure your day is what will help you smash those goals. Keep in mind that there’s no fit-it-all plan considering we’re all different with different body types, goals, and so on. That’s why you may need to adjust according to your needs. Still, there are a few things that you should do for success. So, let’s check those bodybuilder habits.

Become an early riser

Have you seen a bodybuilder sleeping during the day? Highly unlikely. People who are the most successful wake up early to get started on their day. In fact, this is a habit for all successful people, not only bodybuilding. Waking up early allows bodybuilders to do their workout in the morning, and have the rest of their day to sort out their daily tasks. Waking up early comes with multiple benefits such as a better biological clock, better sleep, improved brain function, reduced stress, improved mood and mental health, increased organization and productivity, and others.

Get into a routine

In order to become the best at something, you need to do that something over and over again. The best is to follow a schedule. You need to get into a planned routine. Successful bodybuilders do not go to the gym whenever they find time for it. They make the time for it. Have a bodybuilding routine and stick to it. When you’re having a consistent routine and working out around the same time each day, your muscles also tend to respond better. Having a schedule means that you’ll be more organized, manage to perform more tasks, and you’ll also be less stressed. Stress is one serious culprit that will hinder your gains! You must learn how to manage stress! Effective time management will help reduce stress a lot!

Eat often

Following a healthy, balanced, and varied diet is essential for your bodybuilding goals. Be it cutting, bulking, or body recomposition. However, how and when you eat will also help you a lot. Ask any dietitian. You’ll need to eat small, often, and at regular times. Eating and feeding your muscles at regular intervals will aid the recovery process. It is much better than eating once or twice a day because during this time your pancreas and entire digestive system will overwork. Aim to eat about 5-6 times a day, to keep your fuel intake high!

Set your goals

When it comes to setting your goals, you should go for both short and long-term goals. It is hard to expect any results when you do not know what you’re aiming for. You just don’t know what to do when you don’t know what you want. So, add your short and long-term goals into your bodybuilding habits and stick to them. All successful people have their goals in their minds. Bodybuilders know exactly what they should do when they head to the gym. They know what they are aiming for, so they know what to do to achieve it. This will build motivation so you won’t stop until you achieve your goal. Create realistic goals though. Dream big for long-term goals, but do not plan to become the next Arnold Schwarzenegger in six months.

Plan everything ahead

To achieve success, you’ll need to plan everything in advance. You’ll need to know what you’re doing during your workout, what you’re eating during your diet, and have your day planned out. When everything is organized you’re focusing on the activity that you’re doing and are not worrying about what you should do next (minimizing stress). The same is true about your meals. Planning everything out will make you less likely to make the wrong decision, and you know exactly what (and how much) you should eat to achieve your goals.

Focus on the “prize”

Imagine your dream physique and visualize it. Picture your desired results ahead of time and this will greatly help you achieve your goals. Especially when you’re going to feel low. You need motivation to keep on working towards your goals and by focusing on the final results you’ll greatly boost the motivation.

Get involved in something new

The time you spend in the gym is just a fraction of the day. While it may be enjoyable, it shouldn’t consume you. Successful people are making the short time in the gym effective, but then they build their world outside of the gym. This means that you should get involved in something else. It could be a passion or hobby – anything that gets you to the next level. Just do something you love.

Share success

The most successful bodybuilders are stepping on the stage. They are literally screaming, sharing their success. Why wouldn’t you? When you achieve a goal, shout it out from the rooftops! Sharing will help you build motivation and may help to motivate and inspire others. Of course, ego show off isn’t something you should go for, but sharing your success with friends and family can help both ways.

Enjoy what you do

There are likely going to be times when you’ll feel low and frustrated. Especially if you are not seeing the changes that you hoped for. This frustration and anxiety can lead to huge problems. That’s why it is so important to have fun outside of the gym. You shouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to enjoy yourself. Spend time doing something that you enjoy, such as seeing your friends and family. Try to enjoy what you do both in the gym and outside. When you’re feeling good with yourself it is the time when you’re likely going to see the best gains.

Get lots of sleep

It doesn’t really matter how hard you’re pushing yourself in the gym, sleep is crucial. In fact, the harder you push yourself in the gym, the more sleep you need. You may already know that the real magic of muscle building doesn’t occur in the gym, but when you sleep. Your body and muscles rest and recover after working out when you sleep. So, sleep deprivation is a huge problem for anyone, especially for a bodybuilder. Aim to sleep at least 8 hours a day, if you push yourself hard, may require even more. Moreover, ensure you get high-quality sleep too!

Want to Supersize Your Gains?

Now, with the help of these bodybuilder habits, you’re sure on your way to building that muscle, burning off fat, and achieving your dream physique. Have the right structure as it is the best thing you can do to prepare for the gains ahead. Prepare everything, ensuring your day is laid out correctly so you can achieve your goals.

In the end, we understand that you may need a bit of help either to speed up your gains, or break through a plateau wall. So, Cycle-Gear.to is here for you, to help you get BIG!

Whether your goal is to build muscle, cut fat, get shredded, or all combined – our bodybuilder anabolic steroids and numerous other compounds can greatly help you out. All products on Cycle-Gear.to are 100% real and high quality. We provide them for sale, helping you to save money. They will help you achieve some serious gains, recover faster, burn fat, and support all your physique and performance enhancement goals.


Protein Before Bed

Whether you’re trying to bulk up or go through a cutting cycle, getting a lot of protein in your diet is crucial. Having that said, lots of people are wondering whether you should eat protein before bed to support your goals. Before we dive deeper into this, you should know that according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, your daily calories should come from the following macronutrients:

  • 10 to 35% of protein
  • 20 to 35% of fat
  • 45 to 65% of carbohydrates

According to studies, the recommended daily protein intake is around 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, those who are into fitness, and especially trying to build muscle, should opt for a higher dose of protein a day (such as 1.5 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight). Therefore, those who increase the amount of protein in their diet (from 0.8 to 1.5 up to 2 grams) will support both their resistance training goals of building muscle.

So, you most likely already know that protein is crucial. But…

Is there a right time to consume it?

The research suggests that post-workout protein is extremely beneficial because it supports recovery and muscle growth. Some suggest that protein pre-workout is also highly beneficial. This is the reason why people who are searching to beef up tend to have at least 30 grams of protein both before and after their workout (60 grams in total).

Still, if you weigh 80 kg, then you may aim to consume a total of 160 grams of protein per day, so you still have 100 grams of protein per day to consume. That’s why, many wonder if protein before bed would be helpful to build muscle. Well yes, there’s a chance that protein shake before bed could be just what you’re searching for. Let’s analyze it closely.

The Science of Protein

You need amino acids to build muscle. Our muscles are about 80% made of protein. Having that said, I guess it is pretty obvious why you need more protein to increase the amount of muscle growth. In fact, if you do not get enough protein in your diet, you may experience muscle loss. So, our bodies require this organic compound (the amino acids from protein). Therefore, protein is vital for our bodies, especially for those who want to gain muscle.

When we’re lifting weights, we’re causing micro tears in the muscle fibers. Then, when we go to bed to sleep, our muscles get the time and everything else they need to repair and recover, growing bigger and stronger in order to cope with the stress of lifting weights. So, we actually grow muscle when we snooze the night away. When we’re sleeping, our body releases most growth hormones, which leads to muscle growth (and fat burn). Studies prove that people deprived of sleep find it difficult to build muscle and burn fat.

What does this mean? That the amino acids from protein are necessary to repair, heal, and grow your muscles. Therefore, consuming protein before bed potentially may be highly effective. That’s because by eating protein before bed, your muscles may take full advantage of this hormone spike as they have everything they need to grow and heal.


There are a lot of studies and research done proving these words. So, you shouldn’t take my word for it, you can check the research. According to research, casein protein before bed will increase muscle protein synthesis. This will help boost post-workout overnight recovery. Another study suggests that drinking a protein shake before bed will result in greater muscle strength, size, and muscle fiber size too.

Yet, to be honest, it is still not fully clear whether the increase in daily protein was responsible for delivering these results, or it is specifically the protein before bed that provided these results.

This is why the International Society of Sports Nutrition started to research whether you should eat protein before bed. Their study suggests that casein protein before bed can actually increase muscle protein synthesis and metabolic rate as you sleep. Moreover, one more study suggests that protein before bed can improve metabolism too. That’s especially true if you’re a fan of early morning workout pre-breakfast.

Protein before bed is for bodybuilders only?

Well, we’ve stated that athletes and bodybuilders may benefit from extra protein before bed. We also stated that athletes and bodybuilders may need higher amounts of protein for their goals. So, is protein before bed for bodybuilders only? Not actually. There are other studies that suggest that having protein before bed will aid muscle growth (and preservation) in older people and those who are less active too.

In the study, the participants were consuming casein protein before bed and they showed positive results. Nonetheless, the same study suggests that this may be a bad idea for overweight people. Those who consume protein before bed (or especially carbs) will increase their insulin levels the next morning. Therefore, everyone will benefit from protein before bed, with the exception of overweight people. Athletes, bodybuilders, and older people will benefit most though.

What is the best protein before bed?

When you are doing your best to boost muscle growth and repair, getting the best protein before bed is important to help achieve the best results. Here are some food examples that are packed with protein which you can use to make a snack before going to sleep:

  • 1 cup of 1% milk fat cottage cheese
  • A slice of bread with peanut butter and a glass of low fat or 1% milk
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • Cup of nuts
  • 3 hard boiled eggs

Generally, there are a lot of great sources of protein that you can try before bed.

  • Ricotta cheese
  • Poultry
  • Tofu
  • Fish
  • Seafoods
  • Legumes
  • Peas
  • Lentils

For example, just 100g of chicken breast can provide you with around 30 grams of protein.

Protein supplements and protein bar

It is always best to get extra protein (before bed or throughout the day) through food. Drink protein supplements or eat protein bars when you can’t get enough protein through foods for whatever reason. But if you decide to grab a protein shake or protein bar before bed, I strongly recommend being careful about the type of shake that you choose. You should be careful because a lot of them are packed with artificial sweeteners and/or are high in calories.

There are also other ways to build muscle fast…

Build Muscle Fast and Efficiently

Anavar 20 (Oxandrolone)

Are you searching for the best way to boost muscle growth? Our 100% quality anabolic steroids will help you bring the best results in the fastest way possible. At Cycle-Gear.to you can find the best bulking and cutting products that will help you increase muscle, strength, and size. They will help burn fat and promote a rapid recovery. There are lots of quality steroids for sale (for the best prices on the market), you can choose from, alongside their ancillaries and numerous other PEDs that will help bring the best results, so you can be in BEAST mode!

Keep in mind though, whether you use gear from Cycle Gear or you stay natural, you still need to work out regularly and intensively, while ensuring you have a proper diet, and getting enough protein to support your goals!


Cutting and Keeping Muscle

The cutting process is not an easy task and is something that nobody enjoys. However, that’s an important process when it comes to getting ripped and shredded, with that muscle definition everyone is craving.

In case you are still not aware, cutting is the process of eating less food than you previously did to burn excess fat. However, cutting is different from weight loss which also involves eating less than you previously did. That’s because cutting means you try to lose excess fat while also keeping your muscles. Therefore, you try to achieve a lean and muscular physique.

A cutting cycle is usually a real challenge that is not easy. That’s why nobody loves cutting. It is because, during cutting, you need to increase the amount of cardio, reduce the calorie intake (under your maintenance), and be very careful about what you’re eating. Taking this into consideration, it is very easy to see why.

There are a lot of different theories on how to cut. However, as with all things related to fitness, you’ll often find a lot of myths that are just that – myths. There is a lot of great advice too. However, you’ll just need to know where to look. I recommend paying attention to those that are science backed-up.

What does it take to cut?

You may already know that in order to burn fat, you need to increase your activity level. Indeed, being more active will burn more calories, therefore, you’ll lose weight. On the other hand, regardless of how active you are, you will not burn that extra fat if you continue eating in surplus. That’s why your diet is crucial. You need to lower your calorie intake (below maintenance). The boost in activity levels will boost the calorie expenditure. So, you need to eat less, and you need to be more active. However, it still doesn’t stop here, as there are other factors to consider too.

While you may be lowering your calories (eating less), you will still need to ensure that you get enough macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro or micro- nutrients deficiencies will significantly hinder your progress. Micronutrients are minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. You usually get enough of them as long as you eat right, healthy, balanced, and varied with a proper macronutrient balance. Pretty sure you’ve heard about macros before. They include protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

When you plan cutting and keeping muscle, you need to have your macros on point, getting a certain number of calories from fat, carbs, and protein. So, indeed, fat loss occurs when you consume fewer calories than you burn. However, cutting is not only about how many calories you consume, it is the source of those calories that significantly matter too.

In order to build muscle (or at least keep muscle) while you’re cutting fat, you need to aim for a large amount of protein. That’s about 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight. You’ll also need to get healthy fats (about 10-20% of your total calories) and the rest are carbs.

Check cutting tips to keep muscles below:

Tips For Cutting and Keeping Muscle

Increase your water intake

Many think that they should decrease their water intake to decrease their water retention. Yet, although it may be counterintuitive, drinking more water will actually help you decrease water retention. Drinking less water won’t only make your body hold onto water, bloating you, but it may lead to various health issues, hindering your cutting progress. We’re mostly made up of water – our organs function properly thanks to water. Not only that, but water will also help prevent hunger pangs. Studies prove that increasing water intake makes people eat less. Drinking water before eating will make you consume fewer calories per meal.

Generally, water contains zero calories and is essential for your organs, such as your heart, liver, lungs, muscles, and so on. Staying hydrated will increase your energy levels, allowing you to increase your activity levels. So, water helps you both boost calorie expenditure and consume fewer calories too.

Prep your own food

Preparing your own food is important because it allows you to have total control over what goes into it. I assume you’ve seen a lot of bodybuilders preparing their own foods, and they rarely eat out. That’s not only because preparing your own food helps you save money, but it is because you know exactly how much you need to eat each food. You do not need to be Gordon Ramsay to prepare your own food. Moreover, you can always develop new culinary skills.

That’s important because you need to be diligent with food when cutting. Ordering takeaways or buying microwave meals will make it incredibly difficult to keep track of what you’re consuming.

Don’t freak out if you cheat

Of course, the less you cheat, the better. Maintaining a caloric deficit is necessary to cut. However, it can be really hard. Moreover, the longer you’re cutting for, the harder it is. This is the reason why a lot of bodybuilders will occasionally have cheat meals or even cheat days when they are cutting. This involves chowing down on an enormous cheat meal. While this will kick up the calories, it will help you emotionally (and even physically, by stopping your body from entering the “survival mode”).

That’s why, if hunger kicks in too hard and you can barely think of anything else instead of a gigantic pizza, then go for it and try not to beat yourself up about it. Stay on track after it. People give up because they lack motivation and usually after a cheat meal. Stay away from negative thinking that makes your diet spiral out of control. You’ve had a cheat meal, but you still need to stay on track – focus on the task.

Use cardio to max your caloric expenditure

You can’t cut without a calorie deficiency and you can burn fat and lose weight efficiently through diet alone by eating less. However, in order to cut effectively and get that awesome shredded appearance, you can (and should) combine your diet with cardiovascular exercises.

Adding cardio to your regimen will maximize your results as it will boost the calorie expenditure, increasing the rate at which you lose fat. This will help you compensate for the days that you are cheating. Moreover, cardio exercises will help you enhance your cardiovascular health too.

Lift heavy

Many people assume that lifting weights is not necessary during cutting and weight loss cycles. That’s a huge mistake. Even if your goal is weight loss, lifting heavy will still help you in numerous ways. Not only will it help you burn more calories, but it will help build and preserve lean muscle tissues. When it comes to cutting and keeping muscle, lifting heavy is actually even more important than cardio! Lifting heavy and building muscle is extremely effective at burning fat. Even though cardio is even more talked about when it comes to cutting.

Heavy weight and low rep range (hypertrophy rep range) exercises will help build lean muscle. This will help boost your metabolism, which will make your body consume more calories on a daily basis when resting. The more your body burns during rest, the faster you’ll burn fat. Moreover, you’re keeping muscle during the cutting cycle which is essential for developing the shredded and ripped physique.

Avoid all sugar at all costs!

Yes, there is sugar that you need, such as that from fruits and vegetables. But that’s the only sugar you need to get. Especially during a cutting cycle. We’re talking about avoiding all sugar when talking about refined processed carbs and fat. Sugar is quick-release energy, and in case we do not burn it immediately (and we rarely do), it is stored soon after as fat. This is something that you are very likely to know even if you’re not into fitness – sugar is bad for you. It is bad both for your health and if you want to improve your body shape. But during a cut, sugar being bad for you is double true.

What you should aim for is to completely exclude it from your diet. Avoid anything sugar – foods or drinks. You get enough sugar (because your body still needs it) from fruits and vegetables. These are also nutrient dense, unlike processed foods. Moreover, if you keep it sugar-free, you’ll also get to eat more as high sugary foods (and drinks) are high in calories. Instead, opt for foods that are full of protein and fiber.

Consume caffeine

You may have noticed that caffeine is in most weight loss diets. That’s because it is actually helpful in burning fat. Caffeine will help lift our moods, increase alertness, and allow us to concentrate longer. Besides, studies prove that coffee also has appetite suppressing qualities. Because of all these factors, caffeine works very nicely alongside any cutting diet plan. You can even try a supplement containing caffeine if you do not love coffee taste. Especially because you need to drink black sugarless coffee.

Drinking coffee with milk will add calories. As in terms of sugar, read the previous point. Since not everyone loves black sugarless coffee, you could opt for supplements with caffeine. In whichever case, make sure you do not overdo it. Anything over 400 mg of caffeine per day in total can be detrimental. Especially if you have some cardiovascular issues. In fact, you may need to reduce (or avoid altogether) caffeine intake if you do have any particular health issues.

Use less cooking oil

Cutting is a highly delicate game and any detail matters. So, while it may seem a minor point, it all adds up. Cooking oil is full of trans fats and calories. Therefore, if you’re pouring oil into your cooking pan, in your salads, or over your meals, you may add a lot of calories without even knowing. While it may not seem much, trust me, it does add up in the long run.

To minimize its impact, be careful not to overdo it. You do need fats (even when cutting) but you need to be careful with their amounts and quality. So, you may opt for sprays that will finely coat the cooking pan, salads, or any other meals in small amounts. Needless to mention, you should avoid high fat foods, especially during cutting.

Eat lots of protein and fiber

A lot of people do not even realize that their protein intake is extremely low. This is one of the main reasons why they feel, look, and perform poorly. When you want to burn fat and keep your muscles, you need to increase your protein. Opt for one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. Protein is the best thing you need when you’re cutting. When cutting, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add a lot of protein rich foods to your diet. This will help your cutting game and help you keep muscle.

Fiber is another extremely important element that you need in your diet. Vegetables are full of fiber, so you need to make sure that you’ll get enough of them. Especially because they are also full of microelements too. Fiber is important to help you keep full allowing you to eat less, and is important for your digestive system. Increasing the amount of protein and fiber you eat per day will lead to drastic results in your fitness game.

Prepare for hunger

Cutting means that you eat less than you used to. Therefore, feeling hungry is something you should expect. That’s one of the main reasons why the bodybuilder cutting journey is such a difficult one. You need to cut the calories from your diet, that’s why it is called cutting in the first place. So, hunger is normal and expected. You need to face hunger head-on. Especially because there are likely to be times in your cutting when you will likely feel crazy-hungry.

If you really want to be shredded, you need to be strong! This is why there are not too many people who are walking around shredded – not everyone is so strong. Find your motivation, plan, and prepare. Throughout your cutting phase, you should focus on your end goal, working hard to build up your mental fortitude. It is the mental part that you’ve got to overcome to achieve your goals. You may build discipline, similar to how you can build muscle. It takes time and practice. The most important thing is to never give up!

Cutting and Keeping Lean Muscle with Cycle Gear

One of the best, fastest, and by far most effective ways to achieve your goals of cutting and keeping muscle is to use Cycle Gear’s anabolic steroids.

We provide the best quality bodybuilding steroids that are doing wonders when it comes to cutting fat and building lean muscle mass. There are no better compounds than steroids for cutting and keeping muscle. Our cutting steroids are tried and tested and proven to be the best quality on the market. Moreover, we provide the best prices for them, allowing you to save money. This way, Cycle Gear will give you the extra help you need to make your next cut the best of your life.

It is important to understand that learning how to get cut is a long journey. It is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Alongside Cycle-Gear.to, you will get an awesome boost in your goals. We provide numerous cutting steroids and weight loss compounds that boost your energy, keep your appetite in check, keep your muscles, boost fat burning processes, and provide numerous other benefits that you need for your cutting cycles. Follow these tips for cutting, and you’re going to get the best shape of your life in no time!